David Fremlin
The following are a haphazard selection of my published papers, in
a variety of formats.
(with J.Mala) Symmetry and Measurability
Acta Math. Hungarica (2017).
(with B. de Pagter and W.Ricker) Sequential closedness of
Boolean algebras of projections in Banach spaces
(PDF), Studia Math. 167 (2005) 45-62.
Sets determined by few coordinates (TeX,
Postscript), Atti del Sem. Mat. e Fis.
Univ. Modena 50 (2002) 23-36.
The generalized McShane integral (Postscript,
PDF, TeX),
Illinois J. Math. 39 (1995) 39-67.
(with T.Natkaniec & I.Reclaw)
Universally Kuratowski-Ulam spaces
(PDF), Fundamenta Math. 165 (2000) 239-247.
Real-valued-measurable cardinals
(TeX, Postscript,
pp. 151-304 in Proc. 1991
Bar-Ilan Conference (ed. H.Judah), Amer. Math. Soc., 1993
(Israel Mathematical Conference Proceedings 6).
Spaces of Finite Length (PDF), Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 64 (1992) 449-486.
Families of compact sets and Tukey's ordering
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena 39 (1991) 29-50.
(with P.J.Nyikos) Saturating ultrafilters on N
(PDF), J. Symbolic Logic 54 (1989) 708-718.
Families of random triples (PDF),
Seminaire d'Initiation a l'Analyse
(G.Choquet, M.Rogalski, J.Saint-Raymond, Univ.\ Paris VI)
25 (1985-86) 79-83.
(with R.W.Hansell and H.J.K.Junnila) Borel functions of bounded class
(PDF), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 277
(1983) 835-849.
Measurable functions and almost continuous functions
(PDF), Manuscripta Math. 33 (1981) 387-405.
Well-founded games (PDF), Eureka 36 (1973) 33-37.
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