Prof. Peter L. Patrick
Language & Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Essex, UK
+44 (0) 1206 872088

Prof. Monika Schmid Language & Linguistics University of Essex & University of Groningen
+44 (0) 1206 872089  

Dr. Karin Zwaan
Centre for Migration Law Radboud University Nijmegen P.O. Box 9049
6500KK Nijmegen
the Netherlands
+31 24 361.2934



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The ESRC LADO Network is a network of researchers established through the UK Economic and Social Research Council grant no. RES-451-26-0911 to Prof. Peter L. Patrick of the University of Essex Dept. of Language & Linguistics and Human Rights Centre, in order to conduct a series of Research Seminars. The theme is "Language Analysis of Asylum Applicants: Foundations, Guidelines & Best Practice", and the meetings are being held in 2011-12 at the University of Essex.

The membership of the ESRC LADO Network initially consists of the LARG Convenors and Advisory Panel. The four meetings reach beyond this membership to involve a broad range of academics and practitioners, as well as postgraduate students and young scholars. They will assemble linguists and professionals involved in Language Analysis for Determination of Origins (LADO), as well as participants from legal, government, academic, NGO and other backgrounds engaged in refugee status determination.

ESRC LADO Network Seminar #3:

"Issues of Expertise and Recognition of Professional Standards"

Thurs 7 June 2012

University of Essex Colchester campus, Square 1, Senate Room 


The Guidelines for the Use of Language Analysis in relation to Questions of National Origin in Refugee Cases  (Language & National Origin Group, 2004) were the first step towards specifying professional standards for the conduct of LADO (Language Analysis for Determination of Origin) – one acknowledged by the authors to be initial rather than conclusive, and general rather than specific.

Nevertheless, diverging views have surfaced: a dozen national and international organizations of general, applied and forensic linguists (in e.g. Australia, the Netherlands, UK and USA), representing many thousands of members, have endorsed the Guidelines; though some linguists criticized them. Both framers and critics have agreed that supplementary work is required.

 Other professions involved in assessment of asylum applicants (e.g. medicine) have issued their own guidelines, and for some areas of expertise, bureaus have been established and recognised by government and the courts (COIS and CORI in the UK, ECOI in Europe). In professions more generally involved in providing forensic expert testimony, both published guidelines for best practice (IAFPA 2005, BPS 2008) and academic studies of the issues involved exist. Linguists have also been involved in inter-disciplinary efforts to investigate, establish and review standards for collecting and analysing information and testimony from vulnerable speakers in forensic, clinical and other institutional settings.

This seminar brings together members of these groups:

  • language experts with experience in gaining recognition for professional guidelines in non-academic settings;
  • professionals knowledgeable about expertise issues in forensic and asylum contexts (from anthropology, psychoanalytic studies, interpreting, medicine and law);
  • linguists and practitioners specifically involved with LADO, and
  • participants from legal, NGO and government backgrounds engaged in refugee status determination (RSD).

The goal is to identify pathways and pitfalls, share advice and experience, in order to advance understanding, and ultimately institutional recognition, of best-practice standards in LADO. This should include the professional recognition of scientifically-qualified linguist experts in LADO by asylum tribunals, along lines familiar in forensic linguistic practice generally. Ultimately, such efforts may be harmonised across states (e.g. within the Common European Asylum System).  


Links to participants' bios in the 'Name' column; to their webpages in the 'Affiliation' column

Name Affiliation Role
Dr Enam Al-Wer University of Essex, LARG Participant
Matthew Avery University of Essex Student Participant
Syd Bolton Refugee Children's Rights Project/ILPA Participant
Bethany Collier Director, CORI Participant
Dr Diana Eades University of New England, LARG Introductory Speaker
Konstantina Fotiou University of Essex Student Participant
Prof Geoff Gilbert University of Essex, LARG Participant
Prof Anthony Good Edinburgh University Participant
Chika Hosoda University of Essex Student Participant
Prof Tim McNamara University of Melbourne, LARG Participant
Dr. Melissa Moyer Universitá Autónoma de Barcelona Participant
Prof Renos Papadopoulos University of Essex, LARG Participant
Prof Peter L Patrick University of Essex, LARG Organizer
Michelle Paul University of Essex Observer & Note-taker
Prof Isabelle Perez Heriot-Watt University Participant
Dr Teresa Piacentini University of Glasgow Participant
Rebeen Rasheed University of Essex Student Participant
Prof Srikant Sarangi Cardiff University Participant
Dr Michel Smithuis Netherlands Register of Court Experts Introductory Speaker
Ariel Vazquez-Carranza University of Essex Assistant Organizer
Dr Maaike Verrips De Taalstudio, Director Discussion leader
Helen Walker Lingua, Bundesamt für Migration (Switzerland) Introductory Speaker
Dr Karin Zwaan Radboud University Nijmegen Participant


    • 0900    
      0915 Welcome Peter Patrick
      0930 What is LADO? Helen Walker
      0945 Guidelines for LADO Diana Eades
      1000 Forensic Expertise Michel Smithuis
      1015 Group Introductions all
      1030 Group Introductions all
      1045 Coffee  
      1100 Coffee  
      1115 Group Introductions all
      1130 Group Introductions all
      1145 Group Introductions all
      1200 Group Introductions all
      1215 Group Introductions all
      1230 Group Introductions all
      1300 Lunch (themes review) (Eades/Patrick/Verrips)
      1300 Lunch (themes review) (Eades/Patrick/Verrips)
      1315 Lunch (themes review) (Eades/Patrick/Verrips)
      1330 Lunch (themes review) (Eades/Patrick/Verrips)
      1345 Lunch (themes review) (Eades/Patrick/Verrips)
      1400 Lunch (themes review) (Eades/Patrick/Verrips)
      1415 discussion Mod: T McNamara
      1430 discussion Mod: T McNamara
      1445 discussion Mod: T McNamara
      1500 discussion Mod: T McNamara
      1515 discussion Mod: T McNamara
      1530 discussion Mod: T McNamara
      1545 Coffee  
      1600 Coffee  
      1615 discussion Mod: P Patrick
      1630 discussion Mod: P Patrick
      1645 discussion Mod: P Patrick
      1700 discussion Mod: P Patrick
      1715 Roundup Maaike Verrips
      1730 Plans/Pub'n Peter Patrick
      1745 extra time
      1800 Reception  
      1815 Reception  
      1900 Dinner in Colchester