Prof. Peter L. Patrick
Language & Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Essex, UK
+44 (0) 1206 872088

Prof. Monika Schmid Language & Linguistics University of Essex & University of Groningen
+44 (0) 1206 872089  

Dr. Karin Zwaan
Centre for Migration Law Radboud University Nijmegen P.O. Box 9049
6500KK Nijmegen
the Netherlands
+31 24 361.2934


Convenors of LARG

Mande Languages mapConvenors of the Language & Asylum Research Group are:

Prof. Peter L. Patrick, Ph.D                  homepage

Professor of Linguistics, University of Essex, UK

Prof. Monika Schmid, Ph.D.                 homepage1        homepage2

Professor of Linguistics, University of Essex, UK & University of Groningen

Dr. Karin M. Zwaan                               homepage

Academic Coordinator, Centre for Migration Law Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands


The Convenors have experience in LADO dating back to 2003. As a founding member of the Language & National Origin Group (LNOG), Patrick helped co-author the 2004 Guidelines for the Use of Language Analysis in relation to Questions of National Origin in Refugee Cases (available via UNHCR's RefWorld; see LADO Bibliography), and authors expert LADO reports in the UK. Schmid researches language attrition and bilingualism, and has authored expert LADO reports in the Netherlands. Zwaan teaches and researches migration and refugee law and has published on European asylum law and LADO. They are each active in LADO research and/or practice, and in related fields of linguistics and law, respectively.

Their role, in consultation with the Advisory Panel, is to guide the Research Group's agenda, to make decisions on managing resources and planning activities - e.g., initiate meetings, promote publication and archiving of documents - to decide on membership matters, and to facilitate active participation by LARG members.

 Email addresses for the Convenors are available on the Contact page.