
This page presents links to a range of organisations, agencies and bureaux
involved in the practice of refugee status determination (RSD), or the advising
of refugees or practitioners.
Links generally reside in the abbreviations below. Linking from this webpage
does not imply any endorsement by LARG. The links are organised according to the
following categories:
Asylum- & Refugee-related Organisations
DRC - Danish Refugee
ECRE - European Council on
Refugees & Exiles
ELENA - European Legal Network on Asylum
IASUK - Immigration
Advisory Service (UK)
ILPA - Immigration Law
Practitioners' Association (UK)
UNHCR - United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees
Government Agencies
All of the following governments, and more, have used LADO in some form in
processing asylum seekers, either via an internal bureau, exchanges with other
governments, or via commercial services, or a combination. It is usually not
easy to find information about their use of LADO on their websites, however...
Australia - DIC -
Dept. of Immigration & Citizenship
Canada - IRB/CISR -
Immigration & Refugee Board
Germany -
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge
Ireland - INIS - Irish
Naturalisation & Immigration Service
Netherlands - IND -
Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst
Bureau Land en Taal (LADO unit)
Norway - UDI -
Utlendingsdirektoratet (Directorate of Immigration)
Switzerland -
FOM/BFM/ODM/DFGP - Federal Office for Migration
United Kingdom -
Border Agency
Commercial Agencies
Research & Documentation Centres
ACCORD - Austrian Centre for Country of Origin & Asylum
Research & Documentation
CIREC - Country
Information & Research Centre (Sui)
CORI - Country of
Origin Research & Information (UK)