Prof. Peter L. Patrick
Language & Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Essex, UK
+44 (0) 1206 872088

Prof. Monika Schmid Language & Linguistics University of Essex & University of Groningen
+44 (0) 1206 872089  

Dr. Karin Zwaan
Centre for Migration Law Radboud University Nijmegen P.O. Box 9049
6500KK Nijmegen
the Netherlands
+31 24 361.2934



LARG News Item

March 2012


A number of news stories regarding LADO have recently broken in Sweden in March 2012. Interviews with linguists Prof. Kenneth Hyltenstam (director, Centre for Research on bilingualism, Stockholm University), a founding member of the Language and National Origin Group which authored the 2004 Guidelines; Pia Enevi, GM of Sprakab; Prof. Derek Nurse (Memorial University of Newfoundland, author of many LADO reports in the UK), and others can be heard from this link to the Sveriges Radio news show Kaliber on 4 March 2012 (print materials also available, and see major newspapers e.g. Dagens Nyheter).