Contacting LARG

Organisational base
LARG has its organisational base at the
University of Essex, Colchester, Essex UK,
in the Department of Language and
Linguistics and the
Human Rights Centre, with income supported by research grants and
knowledge-transfer funding.
LARG is a group of experts who share an interest in LADO
(Language Analysis for the Determination of Origin) as a research topic, from a
practitioner's point of view, or both. Day-to-day management of LARG
activities lies with the
Members of an
Advisory Panel
contribute their expertise and advise the Convenors.
For membership matters - new members, affiliating your
organization, etc. - please email to
please add:
You may also contact the Co-convenors,
Prof. Peter L Patrick,
Monika Schmid and Dr.
Karin M. Zwaan, directly at these email addresses:
please add:
please add:
k.zwaan please add:
Correspondence address
Prof. Peter L. Patrick
LARG Co-convenor
Dept. of Language and Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ