Prof. Peter L. Patrick
Language & Linguistics
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Essex, UK
+44 (0) 1206 872088

Prof. Monika Schmid Language & Linguistics University of Essex & University of Groningen
+44 (0) 1206 872089  

Dr. Karin Zwaan
Centre for Migration Law Radboud University Nijmegen P.O. Box 9049
6500KK Nijmegen
the Netherlands
+31 24 361.2934


Maaike Verrips

MAaike Verrips BW photoExpertise:

  • Psycholinguistics - Sociolinguistics - LADO Practitioner


  • PhD Linguistics (Amsterdam)

Dr. Maaike Verrips obtained her Ph.D in linguistics at the University of Amsterdam in 1996, where she specialized in language acquisition, sociolinguistics and syntactic theory. After obtaining her PhD, she first dedicated herself to popularising linguistic research. She published three books about first language development, and co-authored a documentary series for Dutch television (Oetsiekoetsie).

Dr. Verrips founded De Taalstudio in 2003 and has directed it since then. De Taalstudio makes linguistic research accessible and available for practical purposes in a variety of domains. Language analysis (LADO) is a major activity of De Taalstudio. Initially, most analyses were done by order of asylum seekers and their legal representatives in the Netherlands, who submitted them in appeal procedures. All Dutch courts, up to and including the Council of State, recognise De Taalstudio as an independent expert organisation. Since 2008 De Taalstudio is offering services internationally, both to legal aid and to governments. In 2010 a LADO contract was signed with the Norwegian Immigration Administration.

Maaike Verrips was a founding member of the Language & National Origin Group who authored the 2004 Guidelines. She has lectured about language analysis to legal professionals and students of linguistics at the Universities of Utrecht, Leiden and Nijmegen. She has convened expert meetings, including the 2010 European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop on Language and Origin: The role of Language in European Asylum Procedures, and published nationally and internationally about LADO.

Maaike Verrips's webpage


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Related Publications

2011. Betrouwbare taalanalyse: een contra-expertise. In: Asiel en Migrantenrecht, 2011 (1), p. 24-27.

  • A critical review of some arguments commonly presented for the involvement of native speakers through LADO agencies.

2010. (Editor with Pieter Muysken & Karin Zwaan.) Language and Origin. The Role of Language in European Asylum Procedures: A Linguistic and Legal Survey. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.

  • The book presents a series of papers presented at the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop Language and Origin: the role of language in European asylum procedures (Wassenaar, April 22-23, 2010). The workshop brought together an interdisciplinary group of experts from different European countries in a constructive setting to explore the different techniques, exchange views, learn to speak each other’s language, and set priorities for future research and developments.

2010. Language analysis and contra-expertise in the Dutch asylum procedure. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law 17(2): 279-294.

  • The paper presents the working method of De Taalstudio and discusses some of the differences between the outcomes of analyses of different experts working in this field.

2010. (with Tim McNamara and Carolien van den Hazelkamp.) LADO, validity and language testing. In Karin Zwaan, Pieter Muysken & Maaike Verrips, eds., Language and Origin. The Role of Language in European Asylum Procedures: A Linguistic and Legal Survey, pp. 61-71. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers.

  • The practical issue of language analysis in the determination of the origin of asylum seekers is considered in the light of theories of validity from the field of language testing and assessment. The authors argue that it is useful to conceptualize language analysis as a form of language assessment, and suggest an agenda for research on aspects of the validity of the procedure.

2008. Taalanalyse en contra-expertise bij De Taalstudio. In K. Zwaan (red) De taalanlayse in de Nederlandse asielprocedure. Een juridische en linguïstische verkenning. Wolf Legal publishers, Nijmegen.

  • The paper is based on the author’s presentation during a seminar on LADO for immigration lawyers at the Radboud University (Nijmegen) in November 2007. It explains some key linguistic issues in the Guidelines for legal professionals, and presents De Taalstudio’s working method and some of its results.

2004. (coauthor) Guidelines for the use of language analysis in relation to questions of national origin in refugee cases. The International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law: Forensic Linguistics, 11(2): 261-266. Available at