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Postgraduate Conversion Courses in AI and Data Science Scholarships 2020-21

The Data Science and AI Scholarship is available to new Home, EU and International Postgraduate Taught (PGT) Masters students taking up a place to study in academic year 2020-21 on the following programmes of study:

  • MSc Data Science and Applications
  • MSc Applied Data Science
  • MSc Artificial Intelligence and Applications

The scholarship comprises of a £10,000 award to be used on one, or a combination of the following:

  • Course tuition fee payment/course tuition fee discount and any remaining balance as stipend
  • Course stipend


Preference will be given to applicants who meet one, or a combination of the following:

  • Female applicants
  • Disabled applicants
  • Black applicants, specifically:
    • Black or Black British – Caribbean
    • Black of Black British – African
    • Other Black background
    • Mixed – White and Black Caribbean
    • Mixed – White and Black African

Those applicants who meet the above criteria will be prioritised before allocating to other underrepresented groups which are listed below:

  • Applicants from POLAR Q1 and Q2
  • Care experienced Applicants
  • Estranged Applicants
  • Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Applicants
  • Refugee Applicants
  • Applicants from military family, veteran, partner of military personnel

In order to be eligible for this scholarship you must meet all of the following conditions:

  • Home (UK), EU and overseas students who are entirely self-funded. It is not available to students who are fully or partly sponsored.
  • Hold an offer of admission onto the full-time or part-time conversion programmes in Data Science and AI commencing in January 2021 by 25 October 2020; the offer can be unconditional or conditional.
  • Receipt of the scholarship is subject to applicants firmly accepting the offer of study, registering as students of the University of Essex for the 2020-21 academic year, and meeting all conditions of our offer

Full details

Please read the full terms and conditions before applying for or accepting a scholarship or bursary. They contain important information about eligibility, how you'll receive your funding and whether this award can be combined with others or not.

How to apply

Please complete and return the application form (docx) by 25 October 2020. Successful applicants will be notified of their award by 12 November 2020.