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Learning activity

TitleImpact Academy - Impact in the Research Excellence Framework (REF2029)
OverviewOf strategic institutional and departmental importance, this introductory webinar will provide an overview of the REF and how research impact is assessed and present examples of impact case studies from a range of disciplines. The session will also highlight the changes proposed for REF2029, and the implications of these changes. This session is aimed at early career researchers and academics not familiar with how impact is assessed in the REF. Impact was introduced to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions, in 2014 and for the 2014 and 2021 assessments, HEIs were required to submit impact case studies demonstrating the impact of their research on wider society. After this session you will be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of the REF and how impact is assessed; Identify the key components of an impact case study; Recognise the qualities of high scoring impact case studies.
Learning outcomes
    Book Event 1
    PresenterKirstii Badcock
    CampusColchester Campus
    Date and time13:00 to 14:00 Wednesday 4 June 2025
    Available places95
    Booking instructions
    University of Essex employeeUse the link provided above to book your place via HR Organiser.
    Partner institutionPlease discuss with your point of contact at your Partner Institution in the first instance.
    Student Union contractors; PhD studentsPlease contact the Organisational Development team.