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Archived seminar

31 January 2017: The Water Protectors at Standing Rock: A Visual, Legal and Historical Narrative of the Dakota Access Pipeline Conflict (Criminology Seminar Series)

Professor Colin Samson, Department of Sociology from University of Essex

At 18:00 in LTB 5.

Using my own experiences as a volunteer at the Oceti Sakowin camp in November 2016, I will present a narrative of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) conflict at Standing Rock Indian Reservation in North Dakota.

Since October, there has been a standoff at Backwater Bridge pitting thousands of water protectors against militarized police, National Guard, and Army snipers using aerial logistical assistance to prevent protectors from seeing the construction itself. The yet to be completed oil pipeline built by Energy Transfer Partners traverses Sioux sacred sites, burial sites and lands guaranteed to them by treaties.

The presentation will use photography, a short film clip, and socio-legal analysis to help understand the implications of this conflict for the protection of the rights to free expression, lawful protest and respect for indigenous rights at the dawn of the Trump Presidency.

This is a joint seminar between our Centre for Criminology and our Centre for Environment and Society.

All are welcome.