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04 December 2014: Insights 2014: findings from the largest longitudinal study

Based at the Institute for Social Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex, Understanding Society follows the lives of 40,000 households in the UK.

The survey is the largest of its kind in the world. The data it collects helps researchers understand how lives and households in the UK change over time.

Insights 2014 focusses particularly on three pressing areas of contemporary concern; chapters include Living in Recession, A Diverse UK, and Family Ties and Social Connections, with commentary from:

  • BBC’s Home editor, Mark Easton
  • Professor Sir Ivor Crewe and Professor Anthony King authors of The Blunders of Our Governments and currently Master of University College, Oxford
  • David Goodhart, founder and former editor of Prospect magazine and Chair of Demos’s advisory group