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24 April 2013: What serial murder tells us about Britain

Book cover of British Serial Killing by Professor David Wilson

The second in a series of free and open lectures brought to you by the new Centre for Criminology takes place next month. A great opportunity to hear a talk on serial killing from leading expert, Professor David Wilson from Birmingham City University. The lecture is open to the public.

Date: Monday 13 May

Time: 6pm

Venue: The Senate Room (4.722, Square 1)

During the talk Professor Wilson will present his fascinating work on serial killing in Britain. He suggests that there is much to be learned from taking a broader, historical approach to studying what is a contemporary obsession. By identifying long term patterns of offending, how serial killers emerge, and understanding the circumstances of victimisation, he suggests that we might be able to shed light on unsolved crimes and reveal patterns of future offending.