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20 March 2013: Honourable mention for Dr Michael Bailey at PROSE Awards

Dr Michael Bailey, from our Department, has received an honourable mention for his book Understanding Richard Hoggart: A Pedagogy of Hope in the Media and Cultural Studies category at the American Publishers Awards for Professional and Scholarly Excellence (PROSE).

Published in 2011, Understanding Richard Hoggart: A Pedagogy of Hope re-examines the reputation of one of the ‘inventors’ of Cultural Studies.

The PROSE Awards have been running since 1976 and recognises ‘the best in professional and scholarly publishing, as judged by peer publishers, librarians, and academics’.

Professor Eamonn Carrabine, Head of Department, said: "I am delighted to hear of Michael's achievements for his work on Richard Hoggart. It is clear the book is already having a major impact, not least by introducing Hoggart's thinking to a North American audience. Hoggart was one of the foundational figures in Cultural Studies in the UK, and Michael's study is a key text critically evaluating the contribution of this leading public intellectual. It is likely to be the central reference point for many years to come."

Michael’s book has received wide reviews including:

'The authors of Understanding Richard Hoggart highlight, with rigour and respect, the continuing relevance of Hoggart’s work to anyone with an interest in how the cultural landscape at once shapes, and is shaped by, our individual habits'. Lynsey Hanley, journalist and author of Estates: an Intimate History

'A fascinating and insightful analysis of a leading public intellectual, obsessive autobiographer, founder of a new academic discipline, and original cultural critic.’ James Curran, Professor of Communications, Goldsmiths, University of London