Accuracy of web content
We make every effort to ensure that our web content is accurate.
Exceptionally, it can be necessary to make changes. For example, we
may need to make changes to courses, facilities or fees due to legitimate
staffing, financial, regulatory or academic reasons. Examples of why
we may need to make changes include:
- a change of law or regulatory requirements
- industrial action
- lack of demand
- departure of key personnel
- change in government policy
- withdrawal or reduction of funding
Changes to courses may, for example, consist of:
- variations to the content and method of delivery of programmes, courses and other services
- discontinuation of programmes, courses and other services
- the merger or combining of programmes or courses
We will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum and will also keep
prospective students informed appropriately by updating our
Programme Specifications.
Any inaccuracies in web content should be reported to
Unless explicitly stated to the contrary, all text, images, design and
other content is copyright © University of Essex and all rights are
reserved. Individuals may download, retain and copy website content for
their personal use only. Requests for any other reproduction of website
content should be made to wedm@essex.ac.uk.