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Colonialism, Slavery, Trade, Reparations
Remedying the 'Past'?


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James T. Campbell, 'Confronting the Legacy of Slavery and the Slave Trade: Brown University Investigates Its Painful Past' (2007) XLIV (3) UN Chronicle <http://www.un.org/wcm/content/site/chronicle/lang/en/home/archive/issues2007/thesolidarityofpeoples/pid/21711> accessed 19 January 2013. Campbell is Professor of American Civilization, Africana Studies and History at Brown University.

Nick Draper, 'Possessing Slaves': Ownership, Compensation and Metropolitan Society in Britain at the time of Emancipation 1834–40' (2008) 64 History Workshop Journal (Feature: Remembering 1807: Histories of the Slave Trade, Slavery and Aboltion) 74

Claudia Gazzini, 'Assessing Italy's Grande Gesto to Libya' (2009) Middle East Report <http://www.merip.org/mero/mero031609> accessed 19 January 2013

Marian Gwyn, 'Wales and the memorialisation of slavery in 2007' (2012) 9(3) Atlantic Studies 299

Marian Gwyn, 'Memorialisation and Trauma: Britain and the Slave Trade' (2012) 63 Museum International 79

Samuel Myers Jr., Lajune Thomas Lange and Bruce Corrie, 'The Political Economy of Antiracism Initiatives in the Post-Durban Round' (2003) 93 (2) American Economic Review 329

Katherine Prior, 'Commemorating Slavery 2007: a Personal View from Inside the Museums' (2008) 64 History Workshop Journal (Feature: Remembering 1807: Histories of the Slave Trade, Slavery and Aboltion)

Anita Rupprecht, 'Excessive Memories: Slavery, Insurance and Resistance' (2008) 64 History Workshop Journal (Feature: Remembering 1807: Histories of the Slave Trade, Slavery and Aboltion)

Lance Selfa, 'Slavery and the origins of racism' (2002) 26 International Socialist Review

E. Benjamin Skinner, 'A World Enslaved' (2008) Foreign Policy <http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2008/02/19/a_world_enslaved> accessed 19 January 2013

Anthony Tibbles, 'Facing Slavery's Past: The Bicentenary of the Abolition of the British Slave Trade' (2008) 29(2) Slavery & Abolition 293

Warren Whatley and Rob Gillezeau, 'The Impact of the Transatlantic Slave Trade on Ethnic Stratification in Africa' (2011) 101(3) American Economic Review 571

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Mary Jo Bratton, 'Field's Observations: The Slave Narrative of a Nineteenth- Century Virginian' (1980) Virginia Magazine of History and Biography. Full text available on Documenting the American South, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Fernne Brennan and John Packer, 'In Their Own Defence: Violence against girls, and girls as human rights defenders' (2010) 7(1) Essex Human Rights Review 93

Mariana P. Candido, 'Different Slave Journeys: Enslaved African Seamen on Board of Portuguese Ships, c.1760–1820s' (2010) 31(3) Slavery & Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies 395

Robert E. Desrocheres Jr., 'Not Fade Away': The Narrative of Venture Smith, an African American in the Early Republic' (1997) The Journal of American History 40

Jerome S. Handler, 'Survivors of the Middle Passage: Life Histories of Enslaved Africans in British America', (2002) 23(1) Slavery and Abolition. Full text available on publisher's website.

Ella Keren, 'The Transatlantic Slave Trade in Ghanaian Academic Historiography: History, Memory, and Power' (2009) 66(4) The William and Mary Quarterly 975

Paul E. Lovejoy, 'The Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade on Africa: A Review of the Literature' (1989) 30 Journal of African History

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James Azeez, 'The Compensation Controversy' (1989) 12 History Gazette (History Society, University of Guyana)

Marc Bossuyt and Stef Vandeginste, 'The Issue of Reparation for Slavery and Colonialism and the Durban World Conference against Racism' (2001) 22 Human Rights Law Journal 341

Watson Branch, 'Reparations for Slavery: A Dream Deferred' (2002) 3 San Diego International Law Journal 177

Alfred L. Brophy, 'Reparations talk: reparation for slavery and the tort analogy' (2004) 24 Third World Law Journal 81 <http://www.bc.edu/content/dam/files/schools/law/lawreviews/journals/bctwj/24_1/06_FMS.htm> accessed 19 January 2013

Robert Chrisman and Ernest Allen Jr., Ten Reasons: A Response to David HorowitzW.E.B. Du Bois Department of Afro-American Studies

Ben Dalbey, 'Slavery and the question of reparations' (2002) 26 International Socialist Review 74

William Darity Jr. and Dania Frank, 'The Economics of Reparations' (2003) 93(2) American Economic Review 326

Henry A. Ekiyor, 'Making a Case for Reparations' (2007) 1(9) The Journal of Pan African Studies <http://www.jpanafrican.com/docs/vol1no9/MakingACaseforReparations.pdf> (pdf) accessed 19 January 2013

Bernie Grant, '"Reparations or Bust" - An edited version of a speech given by Bernie Grant MP on 12th Nov 1993 at Birmingham Town Hall' The Bernie Grant Collection BG/ARM/16/4/4 (1993)

Rhoda E Howard-Hassmann and Anthony P Lombardo, 'Framing Reparations Claims: Differences between the African and Jewish Social Movements for Reparations' (2007) 50(1) African Studies Review 27

David Horowitz, 'Ten Reasons Why Reparations for Blacks is a Bad Idea for Blacks - and Racist Too' (2001) FrontPageMag.com

Mari J. Matsuda, 'Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations Minority Critiques of the Critical Legal Studies Movement' (1987) 22 Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 323

Victor T. Le Vine, Henry Wambuii, Martin A Klein, Rhoda E Howard-Hassman, 'Commentary on "Framing Reparations Claims: Differences between the African and Jewish Social Movements for Reparations"' (2007) 50(1) African Studies Review 49

Further resources available under 'Apology and Reparations for Slavery': a collection of links to academic articles, edited by Vernellia R. Randall, Professor of Law, University of Dayton.

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Slave trade

Ellen Bucy, 'The Transatlantic Slave Trade and American Slavery' (2003) 17(3) Magazine of history 55

Katie Cannon, 'Christian Imperialism and the Translatlantic Slave Trade' (2008) 24(1) Christian Imperialism and the Translatlantic Slave Trade 127

Huw T. David, 'Transnational advocacy in the eighteenth century: transatlantic activism and the anti-slavery movement' (2007) 7 Global networks : a journal of transnational affairs 367

Madge Dresser, 'Atlas of the Transatlantic Slave Trade' (2011) 37(4) Journal of Historical Geography 515

David Eltis, David Richardson, 'Productivity in the Transatlantic Slave Trade' (1995) 32(4) Explorations in Economic History 465

Jacqueline Francis, 'The Brooks Slave Ship Icon: A ‘Universal Symbol’?' (2009) 30(2) Slavery & Abolition: A Journal of Slave and Post-Slave Studies 327

Lynn M. Hudson, '"Inhuman Traffic: The Business of the Slave Trade." The British Museum, London, England/"Portraits, People, and Abolition." National Portrait Gallery, London, England/"Uncomfortable Truths: The Shadow of Slave Trading on Contemporary Art and Design"' (2007) 94(3) Journal of American History 886

Kenneth Morgan, 'Slavery and the transatlantic slave trade' (2008) 30(4) The International History Review <http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/07075332.2008.10416649> accessed 11 March 2013

Patricia M. Muhammad Esq, 'The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: A Forgotten Crime Against Humanity as Defined by International Law' (2003) 19(4) American University International Law Review 883

J.P. van Niekerk, 'British, Portuguese, and American judges in Adderley Street: the international legal background to and some judicial aspects of the Cape Town Mixed Commissions for the suppression of the transatlantic slave trade in the nineteenth century (Part 3)' (2004) 37(2) Comparative and International Law of Southern Africa 196

Nathan Nunn and Leonard Wantchekon, 'The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and the Evolution of Mistrust in Africa: An Empirical Investigation 2008 (100) Afrobarometer Working Papers

Silke Strickrodt, 'The British Transatlantic Slave Trade' (2006) 121(490) English Historical Review 226

Barbara L. Solow, 'The Transatlantic Slave Trade: A New Census' (2001) 58(1) The Transatlantic Slave Trade: A New Census 9

Lorena S. Walsh, 'The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Colonial Chesapeake Slavery' (2003) 17(3) OAH Magazine of History 11

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