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Colonialism, Slavery, Trade, Reparations
Remedying the 'Past'?


Human Rights CentreHuman Rights Centre
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ, Essex
United Kingdom
tel. +44(0)1206 872558, fax +44(0)873627
email: hrc@essex.ac.uk
School of Law School of Law
University of Essex
Wivenhoe Park
Colchester CO4 3SQ, Essex
United Kingdom
tel. +44 (0)1206 872567
fax. +44 (0)1206 873428
Queen Mary, University of London Queen Mary University of London
Centre for Commercial Law Studies
67-69 Lincoln's Inn Field
London WC2A 3JB
tel +44(0)207882 8100, Fax +44(0)207882 8101
email: office-admin (for external users please add @ccls.edu)
School of Oriental and African StudiesSchool of Oriental and African Studies
Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square
London WC1H 0XG
tel +44(0)207637 2388