Chapter 36: Function spaces
Additive functions on Boolean rings; the space S(A);
universal mapping theorems for linear operators on S; the map
Tπ:S(A)→S(B) induced by a ring homomorphism
π:A→B; projection bands in S(A);
identifying S(A) when A is a quotient of an algebra
of sets.
Bounded additive functionals on A identified with
order-bounded linear functionals on S(A); the L-space
S~ and its bands; countably additive, completely additive,
absolutely continuous and continuous functionals; uniform
integrability in S~.
The space L∞(A), as an M-space and f-algebra;
universal mapping theorems for linear operators on L∞;
representing L∞ when A is a quotient of an algebra
of sets; integrals with respect to finitely additive functionals;
projection bands in L∞; (L∞)~ and its
bands; Dedekind completeness of A and L∞;
representing σ-complete M-spaces; the generalized
Hahn-Banach theorem; the Banach-Ulam problem.
The space L0(A); representing L0 when A is a
quotient of a σ-algebra of sets; algebraic operations on
L0; action of Borel measurable functions on L0; identifying
L0(A) with L0(μ) when A is a measure algebra;
embedding S and L∞ in L0; suprema and infima in
L0; Dedekind completeness in A and L0; multiplication
in L0; projection bands;
Tπ:L0(A)→L0(B); when π represented by
a (T,Σ)-measurable function; simple products; *regular
open algebras; *the space C∞(X).
The space L1(A,μ); identification with L1(μ);
∫au; the Radon-Nikodým theorem again;
∫w×Tπudν=∫udμ; additive
functions on A and linear operators on L1; the duality
between L1 and L∞;
Tπ:L1(A,μ)→L1(B,ν) and
conditional expectations; bands in L1; varying μ.
The spaces Lp(A,μ); identification with Lp(μ);
Lq as the dual of Lp; the spaces M0 and M1,0;
Tπ:M0(A,μ)→M0(B,ν) and
conditional expectations; the case p=2; spaces
Convergence in measure
Order*-convergence of sequences in lattices; in Riesz spaces; in
Banach lattices; in quotients of spaces of measurable functions; in
C(X); Lebesgue's Dominated Convergence Theorem and Doob's
Martingale Theorem; convergence in measure in L0(A); and
pointwise convergence; defined by the Riesz space structure;
positive linear operators on L0; convergence in measure and the
canonical projection (L1)**→L1; the set of independent
families of random variables.
Embedding Riesz spaces in L0
Extension of order-continuous Riesz homomorphisms into L0;
representation of Archimedean Riesz spaces as subspaces of L0;
Dedekind completion of Riesz spaces; characterizing L0 spaces as
Riesz spaces; weakly (σ,∞)-distributive Riesz spaces.
Banach function spaces
Riesz spaces separated by their order-continuous duals; representing
U× when U⊆L0; Kakutani's representation of
L-spaces as L1 spaces; extended Fatou norms; associate norms;
Lτ′≅(Lτ)×; Fatou norms and convergence in
measure; M∞,1 and M1,∞, ∥ ∥∞,1 and
∥ ∥1,∞; Lτ1+Lτ2.
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