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Exams and coursework

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This exams and coursework information is for undergraduate and postgraduate taught students.

Need fast help with an exam in progress now? 

Support is available on any day on which exams are running (including Saturdays, where applicable) from 8am until half-an-hour after the last exam of the day ends.

If you have a query with an exam question, please see the front of your exam paper for your department contact.

Guide to assessment

Information on assessment and how to access support.

FASER - coursework submission and feedback

FASER is the University's online coursework submission, assessment and feedback service.

Assessment and marking policies

Marking and assessment policies for undergraduate and taught postgraduate work.

What is an academic offence?

An academic offence is an attempt to gain an unfair advantage in any formal assessment, such as coursework and exams.

If you're suspected of committing an academic offence

Guidance on what to do if you're accused of committing an academic offence.

Academic offences appeals

The process you need to follow if you wish to appeal against an academic offence penalty.

How to avoid an academic offence

You can commit an offence even if you have no intention of cheating, so you must be vigilant when submitting work for assessment.

Artificial intelligence guidance

Find out about the University's policy on using generative AI in your studies.

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