Students Staff

University of Essex Conference

Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences (School of)

mNIRS 2024: Muscle Oxygen. Bridging Science, Technology, and Practice

9th and 10th September 2024

Early bird deadline: June 1st 2024

Ticket includes:

  • Conference attendance
  • Drinks refreshments (9th and 10th Sept)
  • Conference dinner (9th Sept) onsite at historic Wivenhoe House 
  • Lunch (10th Sept)



Special Requirements section:

Diet: If you have any special dietary requirements or food allergies please let us know in the 'Special Requirements' section below so we can ensure your needs are met. (Please specify in detail, e.g., vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, nut allergy, etc.)

Disabilities/Access: We strive to make our conference accessible and accommodating for all attendees. If you have any disabilities or special requirements, please let us know in the 'Special Requirements' section below so we can ensure your needs are met. (Please specify in detail, e.g., wheelchair access, sign language interpreter, assistive listening devices, etc.)

Free parking: Free parking is available for attendees. To activate this we need to know, full name, mobile number and license plate number. Please enter this into the 'Special Requirements' section if applicable.


Payment Information for Registration

Our registration system is primarily set up to accept card payments. However, if you prefer to pay by bank transfer, please contact us for further details.

If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is essential that you email us after making the payment. Please include the following details from the registration form in your email:

  • Name
  • Dietary requirements
  • Email address
  • Other relevant information

This ensures that we can add you to the registration list and make the necessary arrangements.

Providing these details allows us to track the payment, should there be any issues with the allocation of funds to our account due to potential errors by the university or the registrant.


Book a place

Please note that fields marked with * are compulsory.

Full name *
Address Line 1 *
Address Line 2 *
Address Line 3
Address Line 4
Postcode *
Email address *
Contact number *
Job Title
Organisation or sponsor
Any special requirements?
(e.g. diet)
Code of conduct * By registering for this event I agree to abide by the University of Essex's code of conduct, and acknowledge its zero tolerance policy on bullying and harassment.