Students Staff

02 December 2015

Migration study offers unprecedented new insights

Cover photo of book by Ayse Guveli

Book by Ayse Guveli.

The first research findings from an unprecedented and unique University of Essex led research study looking at the lives of 50,000 Turkish migrants have been published in a fascinating new book.

The work of Dr Ayse Guveli from the Department of Sociology and an international team of academics, the five year, €2.4 million project funded by Norface is called 2000 Families: Migration Histories of Turks in Europe.

The study looks at how Turkish migrants, their children, and grandchildren have benefited from moving to Europe by looking at a whole range of things from their education and work to friends and family, religion and culture. Its approach is unique in that it compares the lives of those who migrated to nine different European countries with those families who chose not to leave and stayed behind.

Speaking about the study, Dr Guveli said, “As well as creating a unique rich data set which will be available to other researchers in 2016, these first findings in our book shed a new light and provide a new perspective on one of the most important and challenging topics of our time: migration.”

 Intergenerational consequences of migration: Socio-economic, family and cultural patterns of stability and change in Turkey and Europe by  Ayse Guveli, Harry Ganzeboom, Lucinda Platt, Bernhard Nauck, Helen Baykara-Krumme, Ṣebnem Eroḡlu, Sait Bayrakdar, Efe Sözeri, and Niels Springs is published by Palgrave Macmillan, 2015.



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