18 August 2014
Helping Sport England uncover future sports stars
Essex's sporting ambitions have received a boost after the University was selected to be part of the Sport England Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme (TASS).
This national scheme enables elite athletes to fulfil their potential and become winners of the future and Essex has been chosen as an Accredited Centre.
Dr Dave Parry, Performance Sport Director at the University, said: “TASS has supported many athletes to achieve success at the highest levels of international sport, such as Skeleton Bobsleigh Champion Shelley Rudman and reigning Olympic, World and European Champion in the women’s coxless pairs Helen Glover.
“With the re-launch of TASS as a Sport England programme, our selection as a TASS Accredited Centre (TAC) reaffirms our status as a University that is capable of supporting the most talented young athletes in the country with a range of support services such as strength and conditioning coaching and lifestyle support.
“Our status as a TAC is also a perfect fit with our athlete-centred package of support services that we offer sports scholarship students.”
More details of the scholarship programme can be found on our Performance Sport webpage.
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