Students Staff

23 April 2010

Ambassadors welcomed at Court

Court Ambassdors (from left): David Casstles, Dennis Rensch, Susie Cornell, George Courtauld and Peter Sloman

Almost 100 members attended the annual meeting of Court in April which this year returned to the Lakeside Theatre.

Alongside presentations by the Director of Finance and the Vice-Chancellor, members were able to find out about the student placement scheme, Frontrunners, watch Professor Paul Whiteley interviewed by Professor Ian Budge on the British Election Study, and enjoy two short performances from East 15 students.

Two Honorary Fellowships were also awarded during the meeting. Derek Lewis was honoured for his contribution to the University. Appointed to Council in 1999, he held the posts of Treasurer from 2001 until 2004 and Pro-Chancellor from 2006 until 2009.

David Lyons was honoured for his role in supporting people with disabilities, both in the University and local community, for over 20 years. He joined the University as a lecturer in 1969 and used his knowledge of computing and engineering to support disabled students. In 1992 he was appointed Disability Technical Officer, a post he held until 2005. In addition to his disability work, David was senior pastoral advisor in the Department for 20 years.

The annual meeting also saw the introduction of a new initiative for members - Court Ambassadors. The concept of Court Ambassadors arose from workshops held with members at a previous meeting and their aim is to help raise the profile of the University across the county.

The Ambassadors are:
Stuart Rawlins is former editor and editorial director of the Essex Chronicle media group. He has held leading positions on a number of community groups and is Vice Chairman of Essex Crimestoppers.
George Courtauld is Vice Lord-Lieutenant for Essex, farmer and author of five books. President and former Chairman of The Haven Gateway Partnership, he is Chairman of the Harwich Regeneration Group, The Essex Environment Trust and the Rural Community Council of Essex.
Dennis Rensch is a retired senior police officer with Essex Police. During his career he was seconded to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, working on a police mission in Albania and with the UN on the police mission in Kosovo. A charity fundraiser for over 32 years, Dennis Rensch also raised in excess of £3 million.
Peter Sloman is a retired indirect tax consultant who worked for Customs and Excise before joining Lloyds in London and is co-author of Tolleys seminal reference book on Insurance Premium Tax. Currently a Magistrate, he is Chairman of the Magistrates Families Committee, a Member of Court Magistrates Association and a member of the Essex Magistrates Association. 
Susie Cornell MBE is a leading natural health consultant, specialising in physical and nutritional assessments for people with a range of health conditions. She has written widely on health and nutrition and produced the first exercise video for people with multiple sclerosis.
David Casstles spent the early part of his career with Courtaulds Plc as a marketing manager followed by some years as a management consultant. The major part of his career was based in the City of London where he was a Director of a company eventually called HSBC Private Equity within HSBC Investment Bank. During that time he was also a Director of a number of other companies in the UK and on the Continent.Colonel Casstles served in the Essex Yeomanry for 30 years and remains Regimental President. He is also Chairman of ABF The Soldiers' Charity in Essex. 

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