Students Staff

Bank Transfer Details

Banks and banking systems vary around the world so if you have made an international bank transfer to us for your deposit or your full fees it can sometimes be difficult for us to see from the transfer information we receive who the funds are for. If you can complete the details below it should help us to get your transfer assigned to your University account as soon as possible.

Your name
Your applicant number
Your student PR-ID
The date you made your transfer to us
Payer name
Transfer reference
Amount transferred
Currency (eg. US Dollars)
Transfer method

Due to the recent pandemic, the banks appear to have put further security restrictions on making payments online.

It may be because it is a large amount. Please try again making a smaller payment to see if this is successful. If not you may need to contact your bank.

If you continue to experience issues paying online, you can make a bank transfer. Our bank details are:

Account name University of Essex
Account number 01182625
Sort code 30-92-16
Bank Lloyds Bank
27 High Street
IBAN GB02 LOYD 3092 1601 1826 25

Please quote your PRID/customer reference number as the payment reference, and confirm whether the receipt is for accommodation fees or tuition fees.

From a Non-UK Bank - to obtain an immediate quote to make an international bank transfer, please use the bank transfer and online payment options

Click here to return to the Tuition Fee Deposit home page.