School of Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences

Sports Therapy Clinic

A student holding a model of the bones and tendons in a human foot

On-campus therapy

The School's fully equipped treatment and rehabilitation centre is designed to cater for the sporty and non-sporty alike.

If you suffer from a musculoskeletal injury or condition then book an appointment today, and let us help you get back on track to a pain-free lifestyle.

Who we are

Our third year undergraduate Sports Therapy students are required to undertake 200 hours of supervised clinical placement in a sport and/or exercise related environment.  At least 50 of these hours take place in the University’s on site clinic.

The clinic’s main objectives are:

  • Teaching support and supervision
  • Regular clinical exposure to enhance student learning

The students assess, treat and undertake rehabilitation and management of sports injuries, joint and muscular pains.

Clinical practice is supervised by a Practice Educator and Clinic Supervisor who facilitates the assessment and clinical reasoning processes and enables the students to develop their clinical skills and professional practice in a clinical environment.

The services provided are exclusively available to University of Essex staff and students. Initial and follow-up consultations are available at a cost of £5 per session payable by card, we do not except cash payments.

"A thorough check up of my personal history including legacy injuries, medication presently being used, recent situation that could have caused my issues. Physical exam was also thorough. Staff were personable and friendly and have given me an exercise plan which I have already started on."

What we can help with

Sports therapy assessment and treatments can be used to manage:

  • Sports injury treatment
  • Sports injury rehabilitation
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Occupational repetitive strain
  • Low back pain
  • Muscle/ligament sprains
  • Arthritic joint pain management
  • Foot and ankle pain

Our services

Initial consultation

The initial consultation is scheduled for 60 minutes to ensure we can record your complete history and perform a comprehensive assessment. If time allows, treatment, rehabilitation and advice will be provided within this session. If you require the massage or taping service, please click the relevant button below.

Follow-up consultation

During this consultation, we will conduct a condensed subjective and objective assessment, followed by tailored treatment, rehabilitation, and advice. While we allocate 60 minutes for these consultations, the duration may vary depending on your specific treatment and rehabilitation needs, and it may not always require the full allocated time.

Performance scholars/Focus sports

These consultations are solely for performance scholars and some focus sport students. If you are unsure if you are eligible for this service, please contact the Sports Therapy Clinic before you book an appointment.

Sports massage and taping

This is a free service for all University of Essex staff and students. The appointments are for 30 minutes. If you require a massage, you will need to select a specific area for treatment. You will be asked to remove layers of clothing for this service so please bring or wear appropriate clothing. If necessary, we will provide towels for your comfort and modesty, and both male and female therapists will be available.

Sports massage and taping services are offered free of charge.

Please note: We do not offer full-body, head, or foot massages, and you can only book one 30-minute session each week. All injuries will need to be assessed in the clinic and booked via the relevant button below.

"Your guys were great. Their diagnosis was correct and was later validated by hospital staff. Sadly, I have torn or severed a tendon and am now in a cast. I was really impressed with the professionalism and thoughtfulness by which my examination and diagnosis was conducted."

How to book

Please select one of the buttons below to schedule your appointment. If your preferred date and time are currently unavailable on one button (e.g., ST Clinic 1), please try using a different button (e.g., ST Clinic 2 or 3) to find an open slot. If all three booking appointments are unavailable, kindly choose an alternative date and time.

We look forward to hearing from you!

ST Clinic 1

ST Clinic 2

ST Clinic 3

Sports massage and taping
"A big thank you to the student who assessed me today for all his help and support. Slowly things are beginning to improve for me, and I am very grateful for having his help."
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Get in touch
Sports Therapy Clinic The Sports Therapy Clinic is located in the Sports Arena on our Colchester Campus.
Telephone: 01206 872255
Sports massage and taping