Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
BE444-6-SP Business and Social Justice in Latin America 15
BE947-6-FY Democracy in Action 30
CS301-6-AU Dangerous Ideas: Essays as Social Criticism 15
CS301-6-SP Dangerous Ideas: Manifestos as Social Criticism 15
CS831-6-FY Final Year Dissertation 30
EC335-6-SP Strategies of Economic Development 15
EC367-6-SP The Economic Geography of Employment, Innovation and Trade 15
GV312-6-AU Domestic Politics and International Relations 15
GV313-6-SP Authoritarianism 15
GV317-6-SP Corruption 15
GV543-6-AU Human Rights and Global Justice 15
GV591-6-AU Comparative Environmental Politics 15
HR282-6-SP Witch-Trials in Early Modern Europe and New England 15
HU300-6-FY Selected Issues in Human Rights 30
PY413-6-SP Contemporary Political Philosophy 15
SC304-6-FY Globalisation and Crime 30
SC304-6-SP Globalisation and Crime 15
SC340-6-FY The Current Issues in Social Science 30
SC361-6-AU American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA 15
SC361-6-FY American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA 30
SC361-6-SP American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA 15
SC362-6-SP Visual Cultures: the Social Meanings of Photography and Art 15
SC364-6-AU Mass Media and Modern Life 15
SC364-6-FY Mass Media and Modern Life 30
SC364-6-SP Mass Media and Modern Life 15
SC386-6-AU Anthropology of Race and Racism 15
SC387-6-AU The Age of Trauma 15
SC387-6-FY The Age of Trauma 30
SC387-6-SP The Age of Trauma 15