Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
GV254-6-SP Ethics and Public Policy 15
GV300-6-FY Advanced Quantitative Political Analysis 30
GV303-6-SP Electoral Behaviour 15
GV312-6-AU Domestic Politics and International Relations 15
GV313-6-SP Authoritarianism 15
GV317-6-SP Corruption 15
GV385-6-SP Parliamentary Studies 15
GV505-6-AU The Psychology of Politics 15
GV517-6-SP International Security Studies 15
GV522-6-AU Gender and Armed Conflict 15
GV525-6-SP Israeli Politics 15
GV528-6-SP Political Theory and Gender 15
GV538-6-SP From Cradle to Grave: Social Justice in Childhood, Adulthood, and Death 15
GV543-6-AU Human Rights and Global Justice 15
GV591-6-AU Comparative Environmental Politics 15
GV592-6-SP International Environmental Politics 15
GV831-6-FY Research Project: Politics 30
GV926-6-AU International Current Affairs: Understanding our World 15
LT969-6-AU Media, Politics and Society 15