Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
AR116-4-AU Ways of Seeing 15
AR119-4-SP Art and Ideas: I 15
AR123-4-AU Introduction to Heritage and Museum Studies 15
CS111-4-AU Interdisciplinary Research and Problem-Solving: An Introduction 15
CS112-4-SP Ways of Knowing 15
CS143-4-SP Colonialism to Revolution: Power and Politics in Latin America 15
PA140-4-FY Introduction to Childhood Studies 30
PY113-4-FY Death, God and the Meaning of Life 30
PY114-4-AU Critical Reasoning 15
PY114-4-FY Critical Reasoning and Logical Argument 30
SC102-4-AU Crime, Control, and the City 15
SC104-4-FY Introduction to Crime, Law and Society 30
SC106-4-FY Media, Culture and Society 30
SC111-4-FY The Sociological Imagination 30
SC164-4-SP Introduction to United States Sociology 15