Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
BE944-6-FY Research Project with a Community-based Organisation 30
BE947-6-FY Democracy in Action 30
CS307-6-AU Beyond the BA: Preparing for Life as a Graduate 0
LT394-6-SP Law and Literature 15
LT431-6-SP Comparative Media Law and Regulation 15
LW205-6-AU Comparative Law 15
LW209-6-SP Public Law in Context: Past, Present and Future 15
LW214-6-SP Family Law 15
LW218-6-AU Public International Law 15
LW219-6-SP Law: War and Justice 15
LW224-6-SP Banking Law 15
LW225-6-FY Company Law 30
LW229-6-AU Animal Protection and Wildlife Law 15
LW232-6-SP Medical Law 15
LW237-6-SP Clinical Legal Education (Law Placement) 15
LW241-6-AU Consumer Contract Law 15
LW242-6-SP Commercial Contract Law 15
LW244-6-AU The Protection of Human Rights in the UK 15
LW251-6-SP Employment Law and Practice 15
LW255-6-AU Law and the Unconscious: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue Between Psychoanalysis and Law 15
LW256-6-SP Criminal Litigation: Practice and Procedure 15
LW301-6-AU Jurisprudence 15
LW316-6-FY Law of Evidence 30
LW340-6-SP Cybercrime and Cybersecurity Law 15
LW343-6-AU Competition Law and Fundamentals of Digital Markets Regulation 15
LW352-6-FY Legal Ethics and Justice 30
LW356-6-SP International Environmental Law 15
LW359-6-SP Introduction to Islamic Law 15
LW365-6-SP Commercial Awareness 15
LW366-6-AU Canadian Constitutional Law 15
LW367-6-AU Civil Dispute Resolution 15
LW368-6-AU Digital Technologies, Law and Society 15
LW656-6-SP Data Protection Law in the Digital Age 15