Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
BE947-6-FY Democracy in Action 30
LT320-6-FY Post-War(s) United States Fiction 30
LT321-6-SP Possible Worlds: Science Fiction, Speculative Fiction, and Alternate History 15
LT347-6-FY American Film Authors 30
LT359-6-AU Creative Writing: Oulipo and the Avant Garde 15
LT364-6-AU Cyborgs, Clones and the Rise of the Robots: Science Fiction 15
LT367-6-AU Understanding and Writing Science Fiction 15
LT372-6-SP Shakespeare: The Tragedies 15
LT378-6-AU Transatlantic Romanticisms 15
LT380-6-SP "There is a Continent Outside My Window" : United States and Caribbean Literatures in Dialogue 15
LT381-6-FY Reading, Writing and Doing Poetry 30
LT385-6-AU The Story and Myth of the West 15
LT394-6-SP Law and Literature 15
LT399-6-AU Video Game Theory 15