Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
AR207-5-SP Picturing the City I 15
AR216-5-AU After Impressionism: European Art From Van Gogh to Klimt 15
AR220-5-SP Art and Ideas II: More Art, More Ideas - Critique and Historiography in the History of Art 15
AR223-5-AU Art and Power 15
AR224-5-SP Study Trip Abroad (Year 2) 15
AR228-5-SP Contemporary Art: 1945 until Now 15
AR325-5-AU Art and Nature 15
AR326-5-SP Archives of Heritage 15
AR327-5-AU Heritage, Colonialism, Decolonisation 15
AR342-6-SP Study Trip Abroad (Final Year) 15
BE110-5-FY Financial Reporting and Analysis 30
BE111-5-AU Management Accounting I 15
BE113-5-SP Management Accounting II 15
BE120-5-SP Audit Principles and Practice 15
BE312-5-SP Quantitative Foundations of Finance 15
BE313-5-AU Portfolio Analysis 15
BE314-5-SP Financial Modelling 15
BE335-5-SP Behavioural Finance 15
BE410-5-AU Organisational Behaviour 15
BE411-5-SP Operations and Supply Chain Management 15
BE413-5-AU International Business Environment 15
BE420-5-SP Leadership in Organisations 15
BE425-5-SP Research Methods in Management and Marketing 15
BE431-5-AU Business Strategy 15
BE518-5-SP Digital Marketing and Social Media 15
BE519-5-SP Introduction to Consumer Behaviour 15
BE610-5-AU Introduction to Banking 15
BS259-5-AU Addressing Global Sustainability Challenges 15
CS200-5-AU Social Entrepreneurs, Sustainability and Community Action 15
CS201-5-FY The World in Question: The Social, Cultural, Political & Environmental Legacies of the Enlightenment 30
EC120-5-FY The World Economy in Historical Perspective 30
EC201-5-FY Macroeconomics (Intermediate) 30
EC202-5-FY Microeconomics (Intermediate) 30
EC203-5-SP Technological change: past, present and future prospects 15
EC205-5-AU Poverty, Community and Development: Workshop 15
EC206-5-SP Poverty, Community and Development: Community Project 15
EC209-5-SP Introduction to Behavioural Economics 15
EC245-5-SP International Financial Institutions and Policy 15
EC246-5-AU International Trade Institutions and Policy 15
EC247-5-AU Financial Instruments and Capital Markets 15
EC251-5-SP Mathematical Methods in Economics 15
EC252-5-AU Introduction to Econometric Methods 15
EC261-5-SP Management of New Technology 15
EC262-5-AU Economics of Organisational Management 15
GV110-5-SP Thinking Like a Social Scientist 15
GV120-5-AU Politics and Economic Policies 15
GV203-5-SP Parties and Elections 15
GV204-5-AU British Government 15
GV207-5-AU Quantitative Political Analysis 15
GV210-5-AU Games, Strategy and Politics 15
GV210-5-SP Games, Strategy and Politics 15
GV211-5-SP Violent Non State Actors: Violence, Crime and Conflict 15
GV212-5-SP International Organisations 15
GV214-5-AU International Relations: Theories and Approaches 15
GV217-5-AU Conflict Analysis 15
GV241-5-AU African Politics 15
GV250-5-AU Principles of Social Justice 15
GV252-5-SP Discourse, Morality and Power 15
GV254-5-SP Ethics and Public Policy 15
HR222-5-SP Public History Project 15
HR223-5-AU The History of Ukraine 15
HR226-5-AU China: The Long Twentieth Century 15
HR251-5-AU Life in the Three Kingdoms: Societies and cultures in early modern Britain and Ireland 15
HR259-5-SP The Thirty Years War (1618-1648): A Military, Social and Cultural History 15
HR270-5-AU Sex, War and Class at the Movies: 1930-1960 15
HR296-5-SP Between Protection and Control: Policing Europe in the 20th Century 15
LG120-5-SP Introduction to Subtitling and Accessibility 15
LG211-5-SP Semantics and Pragmatics: Meaning and Discourse 15
LG212-5-AU Syntax: The Structure of Sentences 15
LG213-5-SP Research methods for language and linguistics 15
LG215-5-SP English Language Processing 15
LG217-5-AU Phonetics: Sounds Across Languages 15
LG218-5-AU Sociolinguistics 15
LG219-5-SP Multilingualism 15
LG220-5-SP Language and Gender 15
LG222-5-SP English Language in the media 15
LG329-5-AU Language Teaching in Different Contexts 15
LG666-5-FY Initial Teaching Practice 30
LT203-5-FY "I, too, sing America": Identity, Diversity, and Voice in United States Literature 30
LT204-5-FY Criticism: Practice and Theory 30
LT207-5-AU World Cinema 15
LT210-5-AU Love and Death in the Renaissance 15
LT212-5-SP Children's Fiction and the Turn to Young Adult Adventure 15
LT215-5-SP The Romantics: Poetry, Prose, Imagination 15
LT218-5-AU Black Lives Represented: Writing, Art, Politics and Society 15
LT219-5-SP Writing the Short Story 15
LT228-5-AU Rights and Wrongs: Literature and Campaigns to Change the Law 15
LT262-5-SP Introduction to Caribbean Literature 15
LT267-5-SP Desire in the Age of Enlightenment: Eighteenth Century Literature 15
LT269-5-SP Climate Emergency: Narrating the Environment and Writing the Wild 15
MA200-5-AU Statistics II 15
MA201-5-AU Linear Algebra 15
MA202-5-SP Ordinary Differential Equations 15
MA203-5-AU Real Analysis 15
MA204-5-SP Abstract Algebra 15
MA205-5-SP Optimisation (Linear Programming) 15
MA209-5-SP Numerical Methods 15
MA210-5-AU Vector Calculus 15
MA211-5-SP Finance and Financial Reporting 15
MA213-5-SP Riemann Integration and Lebesgue Measure 15
MA216-5-SP Survival Analysis 15
MA222-5-SP Analytical Mechanics 15
PA208-5-AU Freud: Mind, Culture and Society 15
PA208-6-AU Freud: Mind, Culture and Society 15
PA209-5-SP The Unconscious: Analytical Psychology, Culture and Society - Jung 15
PA209-6-SP The Unconscious: Analytical Psychology, Culture and Society - Jung 15
PS212-5-FY Statistics for Psychologists, 2nd Year 30
PS406-5-AU Developmental Psychology 15
PS407-5-AU Social Psychology 15
PS411-5-SP Brain and Behaviour 15
PS414-5-AU Seeing and Hearing 15
PS415-5-SP Memory Attention and Language 15
PS416-5-SP Personality and Individual Differences 15
PY400-5-SP Rationalists and Empiricists 15
PY408-5-AU Ethics 15
PY429-5-SP Capitalism and its Critics 15
PY430-5-AU Topics in Analytic Philosophy 15
PY431-5-SP Ancient Philosophy 15
PY437-5-SP Modern Social and Political Thought 15
PY456-5-AU Critical Theory 15
SC201-5-FY Power and Agency in a Global World 30
SC202-5-AU Researching the Real World: Quantitative Approaches to Studying Crime and Society 15
SC203-5-AU Researching the Real World: Qualitative Approaches to Studying Crime and Society 15
SC204-5-FY Sociology of Crime and Control 30
SC205-5-FY Policing, Punishment and Society 30
SC207-5-AU Introduction to Social Data Science 15
SC208-5-SP Quantitative Research: Crime and Inequality Across the Life Course 15
SC209-5-SP Environment, Culture and Climate Change 15
SC210-5-SP Cities and Power 15
SC213-5-FY Social Psychology (Sociology): Self and Interaction 30
SC224-5-FY Digital Society 30
SC233-5-AU Race, Class and Gender 15
SC233-5-SP Race, Class and Gender 15
SC290-5-SP Social Data Science: Uncover, Understand, Unleash 15
SC291-5-SP Sociology of Sexualities 15
SK183-5-FY Academic Skills for Essex Business School 0