Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
AR116-4-AU Ways of Seeing 15
AR117-4-SP Collect, Curate, Display: A Short History of the Museum 15
AR119-4-SP Art and Ideas: I 15
AR121-4-AU Art Revolutions 15
AR123-4-AU Introduction to Heritage and Museum Studies 15
BE102-4-AU Introduction to Accounting I 15
BE401-4-AU Introduction to Management 15
BE501-4-SP Introduction to Marketing 15
CS111-4-AU Interdisciplinary Research and Problem-Solving: An Introduction 15
CS112-4-SP Ways of Knowing 15
CS143-4-SP Colonialism to Revolution: Power and Politics in Latin America 15
EC111-4-FY Introduction to Economics 30
EC114-4-FY Introduction to Quantitative Economics 30
EC115-4-FY Methods of Economic Analysis 30
EC116-4-FY Applied Economics and Policy 30
EC120-4-FY The World Economy in Historical Perspective 30
GV100-4-FY Introduction to Politics 30
GV103-4-AU Introduction to International Relations 15
GV110-4-SP Thinking Like a Social Scientist 15
GV113-4-SP Contemporary Topics in International Relations 15
GV120-4-AU Politics and Economic Policies 15
GV121-4-SP Institutions of Democracy 15
GV150-4-SP Politics and Power 15
GV151-4-AU Truth, Justice, and The Nature of Politics 15
GV420-4-AU Challenges of Human Security 15
HR103-4-SP Hidden Histories: Class, Race and Gender in Britain, c. 1640s-Present 15
HR106-4-SP Democracy in Europe and the United States, 1789-1989 15
HR107-4-AU Early Modern Europe in Global Context: Encounters, Exchanges, and Exploitation 15
HR172-4-AU War and the Twentieth-Century World: Experiences, Representations, and Legacies 15
HR173-4-FY Rebellious Pasts: Challenging and Creating Histories 30
HR176-4-AU Revolutions in History, 1776-1919: How to Change the World 15
HU100-4-FY Foundations of Human Rights 30
LG104-4-AU Introduction to the Study of Language 15
LG110-4-AU Sounds 15
LG111-4-AU Words and Sentences 15
LG114-4-SP Foundations of Sociolinguistics 15
LG115-4-AU Child Language Development 15
LG119-4-SP Linguistics in Action 15
LG120-4-SP Introduction to Subtitling and Accessibility 15
LT109-4-SP Contemporary Texts and Contexts 15
LT121-4-FY Approaches to Film and Media 30
LT123-4-AU Contemporary Television 15
LT137-4-SP The First World War in Literature 15
LT151-4-AU Shakespeare Across Media 15
LT161-4-AU Introduction to United States Literature 15
LT171-4-SP Introduction to European Literature 15
LT182-4-AU Text Up Close: Reading for Criticism 15
LT191-4-AU The Writer's Toolkit 15
LT705-4-SP The Humanities Graduate: Future Pathways 15
MA108-4-SP Statistics I 15
MA114-4-AU Matrices and Complex Numbers 15
MA125-4-SP Introduction to Geometry, Algebra, and Number theory 15
PA108-4-SP Popular Film, Literature and Television: A Psychosocial Approach 15
PA140-4-FY Introduction to Childhood Studies 30
PA208-4-AU Freud: Mind, Culture and Society 15
PA209-4-SP The Unconscious: Analytical Psychology, Culture and Society - Jung 15
PS118-4-FY Applied Psychology 30
PY109-4-AU Introduction to Epistemology 15
PY110-4-SP Self and Identity 15
PY113-4-FY Death, God and the Meaning of Life 30
PY114-4-AU Critical Reasoning 15
PY114-4-FY Critical Reasoning and Logical Argument 30
SC102-4-AU Crime, Control, and the City 15
SC104-4-FY Introduction to Crime, Law and Society 30
SC106-4-FY Media, Culture and Society 30
SC111-4-FY The Sociological Imagination 30
SC164-4-SP Introduction to United States Sociology 15