Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
AR223-6-AU Art and Power 15
AR325-6-AU Art and Nature 15
BE947-6-FY Democracy in Action 30
HR282-6-SP Witch-Trials in Early Modern Europe and New England 15
HR352-6-AU The Common People: History From Below in Britain 1830-1914 15
HR366-6-SP Henry VIII and his reign 15
HR374-6-AU Slavery and Plantation Societies in Latin America 15
HR394-6-FY The United States and the Vietnam War 30
HR619-6-AU The Russian Revolution 1905-1932 15
HR620-6-FY The Russian Revolution from Lenin to Stalin: 1905-1941 30
HR621-6-SP Stalinism 15
HR645-6-AU From Liberation to the Tiananmen Massacre: China From Mao to Deng Xiaoping, 1949-1992 15
LG364-6-SP Forensic Linguistics 15
SC301-6-FY Rethinking Modernity 30
SC302-6-SP Crimes of the Powerful 15
SC304-6-FY Globalisation and Crime 30
SC304-6-SP Globalisation and Crime 15
SC306-6-AU Crime, Media and Culture 15
SC308-6-SP Race, Ethnicity and Migration 15
SC311-6-SP Childhood Innocence and Deviance 15
SC326-6-AU Psychiatry and Mental Illness 15
SC340-6-FY The Current Issues in Social Science 30
SC361-6-AU American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA 15
SC361-6-FY American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA 30
SC361-6-SP American Society: Ethnic Encounters in the Making of the USA 15
SC362-6-SP Visual Cultures: the Social Meanings of Photography and Art 15
SC364-6-AU Mass Media and Modern Life 15
SC364-6-FY Mass Media and Modern Life 30
SC364-6-SP Mass Media and Modern Life 15
SC382-6-AU Crime, Policy and Social Justice 15
SC385-6-AU Modelling Crime and Society 15
SC385-6-FY Modelling Crime and Society 30
SC387-6-AU The Age of Trauma 15
SC387-6-FY The Age of Trauma 30
SC387-6-SP The Age of Trauma 15