Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
HR282-6-SP Witch-Trials in Early Modern Europe and New England 15
HR308-6-FY Britain’s Second World War: Mass Observation, Myth and Memory 30
HR329-6-AU Maritime Life in the Age of Sail 15
HR352-6-AU The Common People: History From Below in Britain 1830-1914 15
HR370-6-FY The Tudors and Stuarts on Film 30
HR373-6-AU War and Society in South Africa and Britain: the Great Colonial War and its impact 15
HR619-6-SP The Russian Revolution 1905-1924 15
HR645-6-SP From Liberation to the Tiananmen Massacre: China From Mao to Deng Xiaoping, 1949-1992 15
HR205-5-AU Multicultural Britain: A History 15
HR214-5-SP The Social and Cultural History of the First World War 15
HR220-5-SP The Making of Modern Brazil (Twentieth Century) 15
HR222-5-SP Public History Project 15
HR226-5-AU China: The Long Twentieth Century 15
HR229-5-SP Resistance and Rebellion in the World of Atlantic Slavery 15
HR230-5-AU Pandemics: Lessons from History 15
HR251-5-SP Life in the Three Kingdoms: Societies and cultures in early modern Britain and Ireland 15
HR270-5-AU Sex, War and Class at the Movies: 1930-1960 15