Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
BS221-5-AU Molecular Biology: Genes, Proteins and Disease 15
BS222-5-AU Genome Science 15
BS223-5-AU Immunity in Health and Disease 15
BS225-5-SP Cell Biology 15
BS228-5-SP Metals in Biotechnology 15
BS231-5-AU Computational Data Analysis: R for Life Sciences 15
BS233-5-SU Arctic Ecology Field Course 15
BS234-5-AU Plant Molecular Physiology and Genetics 15
BS240-5-AU Molecular Ecology 15
BS241-5-SP Biodiversity: From Genes to Ecosystems 15
BS243-5-SP Applied Wildlife Sciences 15
BS251-5-AU Marine Biodiversity 15
BS253-5-AU Microbial Diversity and Biotechnology 15
BS254-5-AU Marine Vertebrates 15
BS255-5-SP Coral Reef Biology 15
BS256-5-AP Tropical Marine Field Research Skills 15
BS258-5-SP Coral Reef Research Skills (Virtual Field Course) 15
BS259-5-AU Addressing Global Sustainability Challenges 15
BS281-5-SP Protein Bioinformatics 15
BS417-6-SU Estuarine and Coastal Ecology Field Module (Assessed in Following Year) 0
PS411-5-SP Brain and Behaviour 15