Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
AR216-5-AU After Impressionism: European Art From Van Gogh to Klimt 15
AR220-5-SP Art and Ideas II: More Art, More Ideas - Critique and Historiography in the History of Art 15
AR223-5-AU Art and Power 15
AR224-5-SP Study Trip Abroad (Year 2) 15
AR228-5-SP Contemporary Art: 1945 until Now 15
AR325-5-AU Art and Nature 15
AR326-5-SP Archives of Heritage 15
AR327-5-AU Heritage, Colonialism, Decolonisation 15
HR222-5-SP Public History Project 15
HR226-5-AU China: The Long Twentieth Century 15
HR251-5-AU Life in the Three Kingdoms: Societies and cultures in early modern Britain and Ireland 15
HR259-5-SP The Thirty Years War (1618-1648): A Military, Social and Cultural History 15
HR270-5-AU Sex, War and Class at the Movies: 1930-1960 15
HR296-5-SP Between Protection and Control: Policing Europe in the 20th Century 15
HR306-6-SP Gender and Sexuality in Post-1945 Britain 15
PA208-5-AU Freud: Mind, Culture and Society 15
PA209-5-SP The Unconscious: Analytical Psychology, Culture and Society - Jung 15
SC233-5-AU Race, Class and Gender 15
SC233-5-SP Race, Class and Gender 15