Module option lists

Module Code Module Title Credits
BE116-6-AU Elements of Corporate and Business Law 15
BE130-6-FY Current Issues in Financial Reporting 30
BE131-6-AU Advanced Management Accounting 15
BE132-6-SP Auditing 15
BE133-6-SP Debates in Public, Social and Environmental Accounting 15
BE142-6-SP Taxation Policy and Practice 15
BE329-6-AU Financial Management 15
BE332-6-AU Options and Futures 15
BE333-6-AU Empirical Finance 15
BE334-6-AU Financial Markets and Monetary Policy 15
BE439-6-AU Business Ethics 15
BE630-6-SP International Finance 15
BE631-6-SP Risk Management and Financial Institutions 15
BE632-6-SP International Banking 15
BE633-6-AU Alternative Investments 15
BE634-6-SP Corporate and Investment Banking Services 15
BE942-6-SP Creating and Growing a New Venture 15
EC203-6-SP Technological change: past, present and future prospects 15
EC209-6-SP Introduction to Behavioural Economics 15
EC245-6-SP International Financial Institutions and Policy 15
EC246-6-AU International Trade Institutions and Policy 15
EC261-6-SP Management of New Technology 15
EC262-6-AU Economics of Organisational Management 15
EC322-6-SP Microeconomics (Advanced) 15
EC324-6-AU Macroeconomics (Advanced) 15
EC335-6-SP Strategies of Economic Development 15
EC351-6-SP Mathematical Economics 15
EC352-6-AU Econometric Methods 15
EC355-6-SP Public Economics 15
EC363-6-SP Labour Economics 15
EC365-6-SP Theory of Monopoly and Regulation 15
EC366-6-AU Market Structure and Strategic Behaviour 15
EC367-6-SP The Economic Geography of Employment, Innovation and Trade 15
EC368-6-AU International Money and Finance 15
EC371-6-AU Economic Analysis of Asset Prices 15
EC372-6-SP Economics of Financial Markets and Intermediation 15
EC383-6-AU Environmental Economics 15
EC386-6-AU Introduction to Health Economics and Policy 15
EC387-6-AU Experimental Methods in Economics 15
EC831-6-FY Project: Economics 30
SC340-6-FY The Current Issues in Social Science 30