(PhD) Doctor of Philosophy
University of Essex
University of Essex
Colchester Campus
Professional accreditation
Admission criteria
You will need a good honours degree and a Masters degree in a relevant social science. A well-developed research proposal is also essential.
You will normally be required to attend an interview/Skype interview for acceptance, and acceptance is subject to research expertise in the department.
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) code
If English is not your first language, then we will require you to have IELTS 5.5 with a minimum of 5.5 in each component.
This is below standard PHD entry criteria and reflects the nature of what this course aims to achieve via spoken and academic English development during Year 1.
Course qualifiers
A course qualifier is a bracketed addition to your course title to denote a specialisation or pathway that you have achieved via the completion of specific modules during your course. The
specific module requirements for each qualifier title are noted below. Eligibility for any selected qualifier will be determined by the department and confirmed by the final year Board of
Examiners. If the required modules are not successfully completed, your course title will remain as described above without any bracketed addition. Selection of a course qualifier is
optional and student can register preferences or opt-out via Online Module Enrolment (eNROL).
Rules of assessment
Rules of assessment are the rules, principles and frameworks which the University uses to calculate your course progression and final results.
Additional notes
External Examiners for research degrees are appointed student by student due to the highly specialised nature of the awards. The names and institutions of External Examiners for research degrees are therefore not published on the programme specification. Supervisors discuss with students appropriate External Examiners and nominees are appointed in accordance with the University’s Ordinances. More information can be found in the Principal Regulations for Research Degrees and the accompanying Code of Practice.
External examiners
External Examiners provide an independent overview of our courses, offering their expertise and help towards our continual improvement of course content, teaching, learning, and assessment.
External Examiners are normally academics from other higher education institutions, but may be from the industry, business or the profession as appropriate for the course.
They comment on how well courses align with national standards, and on how well the teaching, learning and assessment methods allow students to develop and demonstrate the relevant knowledge and skills needed to achieve their awards.
External Examiners who are responsible for awards are key members of Boards of Examiners. These boards make decisions about student progression within their course and about whether students can receive their final award.
Programme aims
Due to the individualised nature of Postgraduate Research Degree’s, project aims and outcomes are usually determined during the research proposal stage, and adapted as necessary throughout the research period. Students will be supported through discussions with their supervisory teams and during Supervisory Panels, using the published milestones as a framework for their research journey.
The aim of this Integrated PhD Programme is to provide students with the requisite competencies and skills, and support in terms of developing an extended subject specific research proposal, to succeed in doctoral studies. The course is oriented towards supporting students through combining taught material with a stepped approach to PhD level research in terms of subject skills knowledge.
Throughout the course of the 4-year doctoral training period, students will enhance their problem solving and analytical; communication and teaching; and leadership and management skills – all of which are highly valued across the academic and private sectors, in a variety of careers that PhD candidates might decide to pursue. It will also provide students with the opportunity to establish a network of peers, collaborators, and colleagues to support their onward careers, within and across university departments.
This programme offers the opportunity for students to broaden and deepen their scholarly activity and knowledge in support of their chosen field of research and their career. This programme empowers researchers to engage in their personal and professional development with dedicated support from university staff. This programme advances the capabilities and experiences that will enhance career development, articulating and provide evidence of the transferability of expertise to innovative research projects.
Learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment methods
On successful completion of the programme a graduate should demonstrate knowledge and skills as follows:
A: Knowledge and understanding
A1: Acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of a broad range of quantitative and qualitative empirical research methods.
A2: Acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of current developments in scholarly practice, competencies and personal effectiveness needed to be a higly skilled researcher.
A3: Acquire knowledge and understanding of research skills and practices pertaining to the candidates chosen field.
A4: Acquire knowledge of the composition and editing skills necessary to succeed in writing in a suitable academic register in the candidate's chosen field, and to understand why those principles are germane to the discipline.
A5: Acquire advanced knowledge and understanding of ethical, health and safety, and legal issues pertaining to research.
A6: Acquire knowledge of the requisite use of English Language to present academic ideas in a succinct manner.
Learning methods
This course will make use of a range of learning methods and settings. This will include (but not be limited to): lectures and research seminars, group workshops and discussions, self-directed study, engagement with online learning tools and a virtual learning environment, individual supervision, and practical sessions, including lab time (where appropriate and relevant).
The lecturer-led pedagogy—i.e., the lecture and seminar programme in particular—will enable students to acquire, reflect on, and test a range of advanced subject-specific knowledge and content, including the latest academic reflection on quant- and qualitative methods, as well as the use of data gathering, analytics, and machine-learning.
This programme of learning and teaching is fully accessible and inclusive for all students who are looking to study at this level, with a particular emphasis on online accessibility. Materials will be presented in advance where appropriate and will adhere to the University of Essex policy of accessible documentation for the classroom. For a course that attracts international students there will be careful sequencing of information to present a guided approach to the acquisition of new knowledge and practices. The course is informed by the research expertise of our academic faculty and reflects the excellence of our research environment and the high priority we place on research-led teaching practice.
Assessment methods
- English Language for Postgraduate Research Studies – will be group work and discussions, written and online tests, and oral presentations. [A6, A4]
- Academic Skills for Postgraduate Research Studies – will be individual and group exercises, and written coursework [A4, A2, A3, A5, A6]
- Research Skills (discipline specific) – the assessment methods will align with the specific module requirements [A3, A5, A4, A2, A6]
- Research Proposal - will be a detailed written submission [A1 through to A6]
- Studying and Researching in the UK – will be based on seminars and group discussions [A5, A6, A2, A1]
B: Intellectual and cognitive skills
Learning methods
Assessment methods
C: Practical skills
Learning methods
Assessment methods
D: Key skills
Learning methods
Assessment methods