(BSc) Bachelor of Science
Speech and Language Therapy
University of Essex
University of Essex
Health and Social Care (School of)
Colchester Campus & Apprenticeship Location
Honours Degree
Speech and Language Therapy
Professional accreditation
Approved by the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) for the purpose of providing eligibility to apply for registration with the HCPC as a speech and language therapist.
Recognised by the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists (RCSLT) for the purpose of applying for newly qualified practitioner membership.
Admission criteria
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) code
Course qualifiers
A course qualifier is a bracketed addition to your course title to denote a specialisation or pathway that you have achieved via the completion of specific modules during your course. The
specific module requirements for each qualifier title are noted below. Eligibility for any selected qualifier will be determined by the department and confirmed by the final year Board of
Examiners. If the required modules are not successfully completed, your course title will remain as described above without any bracketed addition. Selection of a course qualifier is
optional and student can register preferences or opt-out via Online Module Enrolment (eNROL).
Rules of assessment
Rules of assessment are the rules, principles and frameworks which the University uses to calculate your course progression and final results.
Additional notes
External examiners
Mrs Rachel Jane Starkey
Senior Clinical Lecturer
University of Manchester
External Examiners provide an independent overview of our courses, offering their expertise and help towards our continual improvement of course content, teaching, learning, and assessment.
External Examiners are normally academics from other higher education institutions, but may be from the industry, business or the profession as appropriate for the course.
They comment on how well courses align with national standards, and on how well the teaching, learning and assessment methods allow students to develop and demonstrate the relevant knowledge and skills needed to achieve their awards.
External Examiners who are responsible for awards are key members of Boards of Examiners. These boards make decisions about student progression within their course and about whether students can receive their final award.
Programme aims
1. To produce graduates who are competent Speech and Language Therapists with sound reasoning skills, able to work independently and as part of an interdisciplinary team
2. To effectively develop the knowledge, skills, behaviours, and values of Speech and Language Therapists reflecting the requirements of the regulatory and professional bodies (HCPC and RCSLT)
3. To provide a challenging learning environment, including practice placements, for students to build their critical enquiry and independent learning skills in their journey to becoming Speech and Language Therapists who are responsive to current and future employment needs
4. To enable students to construct theoretical frameworks for Speech and Language Therapy practice drawing on the evolving evidence base
5. To draw on students’ high level of motivation, building their confidence to challenge and pursue learning needs to master complex areas of knowledge
6. To enable students to become autonomous professionals committed to their own and their profession’s development
7. To develop students’ capacity to lead and initiate change within, and on behalf, of the Speech and Language Therapy profession
8. To provide opportunities for shared learning with other pre-registration health care professionals
Learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment methods
On successful completion of the programme a graduate should demonstrate knowledge and skills as follows:
A: Knowledge and understanding
A101: Critical understanding of the scientific knowledge base of speech & language therapy practice, including its gaps, uncertainties, defining features, contexts and the evolving nature of speech & language therapy
A102: Significant understanding of the theories, principles and concepts underpinning current professional activity.
A103: A highly developed understanding of the political, cultural and professional issues that hinder and facilitate team working.
A104: Critical understanding of psychological processes and the role of self in the therapeutic process of speech and language therapy
A105: Advanced understanding of the theories and practice of reflective learning and its role in personal and professional development.
A106: Extensive, detailed knowledge and understanding of one or more aspects of speech and language therapy practice, informed by current research and scholarly activity
A107: A critical understanding of speech and language therapy research
Learning methods
A1-A5 are achieved through: enquiry-based learning sessions; fixed resource sessions including-lectures and seminars, which introduce material in a structured manner with opportunity for class discussion; small group interactive skills development sessions; workshops; and individual assignment and group work, utilising enquiry-based approaches.
A5 is further supported by directed personal reflection of critical incidents and through tutorial support and supervision.
A6 and A7 are achieved through: group work, course assignment, literature review and research proposal, case studies, placement experience, and tutorials.
Assessment methods
A1, 2, 3,4, and 5 are assessed via coursework, examination, portfolio, skills examination, and viva. A6 and 7 are assessed by an extended literature review, a detailed research proposal, and coursework.
B: Intellectual and cognitive skills
B101: Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise speech and language therapy practice/education/health care issues, informed by current and innovative developments, with recognition of the need to promote equality for all speech and language therapy service users
B102: Critically use a range of speech and language therapy skills, techniques and approaches to be able to respond to the individual needs of speech and language therapy service users
B103: Deal with complex ethical and professional issues, making informed judgements on matters that may not explicitly be addressed within existing codes, standards and protocols
B104: Begin to develop original and creative responses to problems and issues.
B105: Practice in ways that draw heavily on critical reflection of practice and evidence.
B106: Pose research questions and develop a research plan.
B107: Reflect and learn in order to identify personal and professional goals for lifelong learning within a framework of continuing professional development
Learning methods
B1-B5 and B7 are achieved through a combination of group and individual activities and practice-based learning. Lectures and seminars are used to introduce new material explored within a group setting. Practical skills classes and workshops are used to integrate the theory and practice of Speech and Language Therapy. Directed personal study time enables the student to deepen and strengthen this learning through enquiry-based learning. B6 is achieved through research teaching and extended literature review and research proposal.
Assessment methods
B1-B5 and B7 are assessed by coursework, examination, and research activities, including a literature review and detailed research proposal. B6 is assessed through summative assessment in both years of the programme.
C: Practical skills
C101: Demonstrate competence in the core areas of speech and language therapy practice
C102: Demonstrate autonomy and initiative in professional activity
C103: Act autonomously in planning, implementing and evaluating the outcomes of professional activity, inviting and using feedback from others to inform this process
C104: Identify and discuss the management of clinical risk in a range of speech and language therapy practice settings
C105: Demonstrate originality and creativity in applying knowledge, understanding and approaches in speech and language therapy practice, education and management
C106: Practice in a range of contexts, including those within which there is uncertainty or unpredictability.
Learning methods
C1-C6 is placement-based learning supported by clinically focused University tutorials, portfolio development, reflective learning, and supported by personal tutorials
Assessment methods
C1-C6 are assessed by clinical assessment forms, placement workbooks, portfolio, and viva discussions. C2 is assessed through gradually increasing expectation of autonomy both on practice placements and in the classroom, including assessment of practice-based placements. C3 is assessed through clinical placement assessment and reflective logs; coursework, examinations, and extended research activity also require autonomous working. C4 is assessed through coursework, exam, viva, research activity, and clinical placement assessment. C5 and C6 are assessed through coursework, oral presentations, and clinical placement documents.
D: Key skills
D101: a) Use a range of advanced communication skills appropriate to Speech & Language Therapy and to multi-professional team working. b) Demonstrate effective, adaptable and confident communication with a range of different audiences and individuals.
D102: a) Use the Internet; b) Access data via library, professional bodies etc; c) Use audiovisual presentation tools and techniques
D103: a) Interpret statistical information; b) Use statistics to analyse data
c) Use software packages to support data analysis.
D104: Identify and analyse problems emerging from theory and practice.
D105: Motivate and engender partnership working, Demonstrate a strong awareness of personal imitations and scope of practice, Take responsibility for one's own work and signifcant responsiblity for the work of others, Respect and promote diversity, Facilitate learning and development in others
D106: a) Demonstrate an aptitude for continuing to advance knowledge, understanding and skills in line with identified learning needs; b) Identify, conceptualise, define and evaluate new and abstract ideas within professional practice/education/management
Learning methods
D1 is supported in small group discussion and seminars and tutorials and through direct working with clients in placement activity. D2 Students are introduced to a range of IT learning platforms such as Moodle and Library databases early in the course, supported by the Lifelong Study Skills Module in year 1. D3 is supported in seminars where students analyse and present work (e.g. from assessment data). Tutorial time is allocated for small group discussion and problem solving. D4 is practised throughout the course. Students work through given problems or derived from the students’ practice. D5 is facilitated by the use of collaborative group work and during seminars and through working as part of teams on placement. D6 is achieved through feedback and reflection on coursework and individual tutorial time.
Assessment methods
D1 is assessed by practice placements, coursework, essay, presentation, literature review, research proposal, and viva. D2 is assessed through use of ability to access and cite references from internet sources. Practical assessments are also included which test students’ skills. The use of information technology during presentations is encouraged. D3 & D4 are assessed through coursework, essay, and research activity. D5 and D6 are assessed through coursework, vivas and clinical assessment documents.