(Postgraduate Diploma) Postgraduate Diploma
Health and Social Care
University of Essex
University of Essex
Health and Social Care (School of)
Colchester Campus
Postgraduate Diploma
Health Studies
Professional accreditation
Admission criteria
IELTS (International English Language Testing System) code
Course qualifiers
A course qualifier is a bracketed addition to your course title to denote a specialisation or pathway that you have achieved via the completion of specific modules during your course. The
specific module requirements for each qualifier title are noted below. Eligibility for any selected qualifier will be determined by the department and confirmed by the final year Board of
Examiners. If the required modules are not successfully completed, your course title will remain as described above without any bracketed addition. Selection of a course qualifier is
optional and student can register preferences or opt-out via Online Module Enrolment (eNROL).
Rules of assessment
Rules of assessment are the rules, principles and frameworks which the University uses to calculate your course progression and final results.
Additional notes
External examiners
External Examiners provide an independent overview of our courses, offering their expertise and help towards our continual improvement of course content, teaching, learning, and assessment.
External Examiners are normally academics from other higher education institutions, but may be from the industry, business or the profession as appropriate for the course.
They comment on how well courses align with national standards, and on how well the teaching, learning and assessment methods allow students to develop and demonstrate the relevant knowledge and skills needed to achieve their awards.
External Examiners who are responsible for awards are key members of Boards of Examiners. These boards make decisions about student progression within their course and about whether students can receive their final award.
Programme aims
1. Under supervision of a qualified practitioner support the delivery of person-centred care to individuals with health and social care related needs drawing on an evaluation of current knowledge.
2. Work productively across health and social care boundaries with an awareness of complexity and the individual within their community
3. Critically review health information to individuals and communities
4. Under supervision of a qualified practitioner work in a collaborative person-centred manner with other health & social care professions drawing upon a critical understanding of inter-professional working
5. Show leadership in decision-making within complex and unpredictable situations
6. Take personal responsibility for competence and independent continuing learning
7. Be self-evaluating in relation to exhibiting competence and compassion
The Health and Social Care Award
- As a non-admitting award students may not commence study seeking this award.
- The purpose of this award is to act as an exit award for students on other regulated post-graduate programmes from the School of Health and Social Care only.
- The award of PGCert Health and Social Care, PGDip Health and Social Care and MSc Health and Social Care are made retrospectively to a student failing one of the ‘regulated’ programmes, for example, MSc Nursing (Adult), MSc Nursing (Mental Health), MSc Occupational Therapy and MSc Speech & Language Therapy.
- If a student has attained 60 credits at the point of failing on the regulated programme they may be awarded a PGCert (Health and Social Care). If more than 60, but less than 90 credits, have been attained the student is not permitted to complete (or seek to complete) further credits on the regulated programme in order to attain a PGDip (Health and Social Care).
- If a student has attained 90 credits at the point of failing on the regulated programme they may be awarded a PGDip (Health and Social Care). If more than 90, but less than 180 credits, have been attained the student is not permitted to complete (or seek to complete) further credits on the regulated programme in order to attain a MSc.
- A student would only be permitted to resit failed credits for theory-based assessments if they have substantiated extenuating circumstances. A pass in said reassessments may permit the student to move from an exit award of a PGCert (Health and Social Care) to PGDip (Health and Social Care) or from PGDip (Health and Social Care) to MSc (Health and Social Care).
- The failiure conditions for each regulated programme and extended eligibility criteria for the MSc, PGDip and PGCert Health and Social Care are defined in their respective Rules of Assessment (RoA). The relevant RoA should be used in conjuction with this programme specification when granting a Health and Social Care award.
Learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment methods
On successful completion of the programme a graduate should demonstrate knowledge and skills as follows:
A: Knowledge and understanding
A1: A critical appreciation of the knowledge for health and social care practice that underpins safe and effective practice
A2: Extended knowledge of a specialist area of health and social care informed by research, scholarship and clinical activity.
A3: An advanced understanding of the principles and practice underpinning human interaction and its importance during patient/client journeys through health and illness.
A4: An extensive understanding of leadership and management within the political, cultural, and professional context of different health care environments.
A5: A critical understanding of psychosocial processes and the role of emotion in personal effectiveness.
A6: An advanced understanding of reflective learning and its role in personal and professional development.
A7: A critical understanding of health and social care research.
Learning methods
A1-A7 are achieved through examination, lectures, seminars, workshops, group work, tutorials and practice assessment
Assessment methods
A1-Assessed through a selection of essay, examination, case studies/portfolios and practice assessment
A2-Assessed through a selection of essay, case studies/portfolios and practice assessment
A3-Assessed through a selection of reflective accounts, OSCEs and direct observation of practice by the mentor in clinical settings
A4-Assessed through a selection of essay, case studies/portfolios and practice assessment
A5-Assessed through a selection of reflective accounts, case studies/portfolios and practice assessment
A6-Assessed through a selection of reflective accounts and case studies/portfolios
A7-Assessed through a selection of critiques of health care research and a research project
B: Intellectual and cognitive skills
B1: Adopt a critical stance to all aspects of health and social care practice, education and leadership past, present and future.
B2: Under supervision of a qualified practitioner act to deploy safely and effectively a range of personal skills and techniques to the benefit of patients/clients in the health and social care setting.
B3: Engage in structured critical reflection on issues arising from health and social care practice.
B4: Demonstrate original and creative approaches to problem-solving in related clinical and domestic settings.
B5: Undertake self-directed and purposeful continuous professional development.
B6: Demonstrate the ability to work with complex and professional issues for which there are no protocols, codes or standards.
B7: Develop informed research questions that reflect and inform contemporary health and social care practice.
Learning methods
Learning/Teaching Methods: B1 -B7 are achieved through engagement with clinical learning, personal and group refelction on placement experience, seminars and elearning discussions
Assessment methods
B1 - Assessed through a selection of direct observation of practice, reflective accounts and case studies/portfolios.
B2-B4 - Assessed through a selection of direct observation of practice during clinical placement by mentors and reflective accounts.
B5 - Assessed by reflective accounts.
B6 - Assessed through a selection of direct observation of practice during clinical placements by mentors, examination and reflective accounts.
B7 - Assessed through a selection of case study, examination and research project.
C: Practical skills
C1: Demonstrate competence in delivering, under supervision of a qualified practitioner, essential skills of health and social care practice.
C2: Under supervision of a qualified practitioner plan, implement and evaluate the outcomes of professional activity, actively seeking and valuing feedback from patients/clients and colleagues to inform this process.
C3: Explore creative responses to clinical problems identified within health and social care practice, education and / or management.
C4: Be a visible champion for best practice and assertively challenge unsatisfactory practice
C5: Practice in a range of contexts, including those within which there is uncertainty or unpredictability.
C6: Under supervision of a qualified practitioner manage and take responsibility for a range of health and social care resources
Learning methods
C1 - C6 are achieved through clinical placement practice, personal and group reflection, tutorial, elearning discussion and simulated practice.
Assessment methods
C1 - C6 are assessed through a selection of direct observation of practice by clinical placement mentors in the practice setting, and OSCEs.
D: Key skills
D1: i) Communicate effectively using a variety of media. ii) Use a range of advanced communication skills when engaging with patients in the delivery of nursing interventions. iii) Use communcation skills to support and develop multidisciplinary team working. iv) be effective and confident in communication with a large audiences.
D2: i) Use the Internet to support self-directed learning. ii) Access data via library, professional bodies, Trusts, etc. iii) Use appropriate data analysis packages. iv) Use audiovisual presentation tools and techniques.
D3: i) Demonstrate competent and accurate numeracy skills; e.g. in undertaking drug calculations. ii) Interpret basic statistical information accurately.
D4: Identify and analyse problems emerging from theory and practice.
D5: i) Motivate and engender partnership working, ii) demonstrate a strong awareness of personal limitations and scope of practice, and iii) take responsibility for one own work and significant responsibility for the work of others.
D6: i) Demonstrate an aptitude for continuing to advance knowledge, understanding and skills in line with identified learning needs, and ii) identify, conceptualise and define new and abstract ideas within professional practicem education and management.
Learning methods
D1-D6 are achieved through clinical placement practice, assessment via OSCE and presentation, personal and group reflection, tutorial, elearning discussions and IT based drug calculations.
Assessment methods
D1 and D5 are assessed through the direct observation of practice by clinical placement mentors in the practice setting. Learners are also assessed through OSCEs and by making presentations
D4 & D6 are assesed in all assessment methods
D2-3 are assessed through completion of course work and through the research module, and for nursing, drug calculations