Advanced Web Engineering

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Academic Year of Entry: 2023/24 - 2024/25
Course overview
(MSc) Master of Science
Advanced Web Engineering
University of Essex
University of Essex
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering (School of)
Colchester Campus
MSC G40712


Professional accreditation

Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT for the purposes of partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered IT Professional.

Accredited by BCS, the Chartered Institute for IT on behalf of the Engineering Council for the purposes of partially meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.

Accredited by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for Further Learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer. Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to comply with full CEng registration requirements.

Admission criteria

Applicants with a 2:2 degree in one of the following subjects (with no module requirements):

  • Computer Science
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Networks
  • Computer Games
  • Computing
  • Software Engineering

We will consider applicants with any other 2:2 degree or above which include one or more modules from this list:

    One computing module such as:

    • Database
    • Web Development
    • Software Engineering
    • Operating System
    • Computer Architecture
    • Computer Systems

    AND One or more maths modules, such as:

    • Mathematics
    • Calculus
    • Algebra
    • Differential Equations
    • Probability and Statistics

    AND One or more signal and systems modules such as:

    • Signal and systems
    • Control theory
    • Computer systems
    • Embedded systems
    • Microprocessors
    • Automation and control engineering
    • Control technology
    • System hardware fundamentals
    • Control engineering
    • Another relevant signal and systems module

    AND Two or more programming modules from the following list:

    • C
    • C#
    • C++
    • Java
    • Python
    • MATLAB
    • Object oriented programming / OOP
    • Advanced programming
    • Introduction to programming
    • Programming languages
    • Software Engineering
    • System Programming
    • Algorithms
    • Data Structures
    • Programming Elements

      IELTS (International English Language Testing System) code

      IELTS 6.0 overall with a minimum component score of 5.5

      If you do not meet our IELTS requirements then you may be able to complete a pre-sessional English pathway that enables you to start your course without retaking IELTS.

      Additional Notes

      The University uses academic selection criteria to determine an applicant’s ability to successfully complete a course at the University of Essex. Where appropriate, we may ask for specific information relating to previous modules studied or work experience.

      Course qualifiers

      A course qualifier is a bracketed addition to your course title to denote a specialisation or pathway that you have achieved via the completion of specific modules during your course. The specific module requirements for each qualifier title are noted below. Eligibility for any selected qualifier will be determined by the department and confirmed by the final year Board of Examiners. If the required modules are not successfully completed, your course title will remain as described above without any bracketed addition. Selection of a course qualifier is optional and student can register preferences or opt-out via Online Module Enrolment (eNROL).


      Rules of assessment

      Rules of assessment are the rules, principles and frameworks which the University uses to calculate your course progression and final results.

      Additional notes


      External examiners

      External Examiners provide an independent overview of our courses, offering their expertise and help towards our continual improvement of course content, teaching, learning, and assessment. External Examiners are normally academics from other higher education institutions, but may be from the industry, business or the profession as appropriate for the course. They comment on how well courses align with national standards, and on how well the teaching, learning and assessment methods allow students to develop and demonstrate the relevant knowledge and skills needed to achieve their awards. External Examiners who are responsible for awards are key members of Boards of Examiners. These boards make decisions about student progression within their course and about whether students can receive their final award.

    eNROL, the module enrolment system, is now open until Monday 21 October 2024 8:59AM, for students wishing to make changes to their module options.


    Core You must take this module.
    You must pass this module. No failure can be permitted.
    Core with Options You can choose which module to study.
    You must pass this module. No failure can be permitted.
    Compulsory You must take this module.
    There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the degree if you fail.
    Compulsory with Options You can choose which module to study.
    There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the degree if you fail.
    Optional You can choose which module to study.
    There may be limited opportunities to continue on the course/be eligible for the degree if you fail.

    Exit awards

    A module is given one of the following statuses: 'core' – meaning it must be taken and passed; 'compulsory' – meaning it must be taken; or 'optional' – meaning that students can choose the module from a designated list. The rules of assessment may allow for limited condonement of fails in 'compulsory' or 'optional' modules, but 'core' modules cannot be failed. The status of the module may be different in any exit awards which are available for the course. Exam Boards will consider students' eligibility for an exit award if they fail the main award or do not complete their studies.

    Programme aims

    1. To prepare students for careers in modern enterprise computing by equipping them with knowledge and skills in web application programming . 2. To enable students to design and implement solutions by providing them with practical experience of a wide range of industry standard leading-edge web development tools . 3. To enable students to adapt to future developments in web based computing by providing them with a solid grounding in its underlying concepts and principles . 4. To enable students to develop particular expertise in a chosen related area of computing . 5. To develop the students' ability to undertake research by providing appropriate resources and guidance in their use
    6. To develop the students' ability to make an effective contribution to team-based activity . 7. To encourage students to adopt an investigative approach and develop autonomous study skills in order to assist their continuing professional development.

    Learning outcomes and learning, teaching and assessment methods

    On successful completion of the programme a graduate should demonstrate knowledge and skills as follows:

    A: Knowledge and understanding

    A1: A comprehensive understanding of the relevant scientific principles of the specialisation.

    A2: A critical awareness of current problems and/or new insights most of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of the specialisation.

    A3: Knowledge and understanding of web technology and systems at an advanced level.

    Learning methods

    Lectures are the principal method of delivery for the concepts and principles involved in the majority of the learning outcomes.

    Students are also directed to reading from textbooks, academic papers and material available on-line.

    Understanding is reinforced by means of exercise classes, discussion groups, laboratories, assignments and project work.

    Specialist knowledge is further developed during supervision of the individual dissertation.

    Assessment methods

    Achievement of knowledge outcomes is assessed primarily through unseen closed-book examinations, and also through marked coursework.

    An assessment of the understanding of underlying concepts and principles forms part of the overall assessment of the individual dissertation report and oral presentation.

    B: Intellectual and cognitive skills

    B1: Understanding of concepts relevant to the discipline, some from outside engineering, and the ability to evaluate them critically and to apply them effectively, including in engineering projects.

    B2: Ability both to apply appropriate engineering analysis methods for solving complex problems in engineering and to assess their limitations.

    B3: Ability to use fundamental knowledge to investigate new and emerging technologies.

    B4: Knowledge, understanding and skills to work with information that may be incomplete or uncertain, quantify the effect of this on the design and, where appropriate, use theory or experimental research to mitigate deficiencies.

    B5: Knowledge and comprehensive understanding of design processes and methodologies and the ability to apply and adapt them in unfamiliar situations.

    B6: Apply software engineering principles to the design of web systems.

    Learning methods

    The basis for intellectual skills is provided in lectures, and they are developed by means of recommended reading, guided and self directed study, assignments and project work.

    Assessment methods

    Achievement of intellectual skills is assessed primarily through unseen closed-book examinations, and also through marked assignments and project work.

    C: Practical skills

    C1: Ability to collect and analyse research data and to use appropriate engineering analysis tools in tackling unfamiliar problems, such as those with uncertain or incomplete data or specifications, by the appropriate innovation, use or adaptation of engineering analytical methods.

    C2: Advanced level knowledge and understanding of a wide range of engineering materials and components.

    C3: A thorough understanding of current practice and its limitations, and some appreciation of likely new developments.

    C4: Ability to apply engineering techniques taking account of a range of commercial and industrial constraints

    C5: Ability to design, construct and analyse web based systems.

    Learning methods

    Practical skills are developed in exercise classes, laboratory classes, assignments and project work.

    Assessment methods

    Achievement of practical skills is assessed through marked coursework, project reports, oral presentations and demonstrations of completed systems.

    D: Key skills

    D1: Ability to generate an innovative design for products, systems, components or processes to fulfil new needs.

    D2: Awareness of the need for a high level of professional and ethical conduct in engineering.

    D3: Awareness that engineers need to take account of the commercial and social contexts in which they operate.

    D4: Knowledge and understanding of management and business practices, their limitations, and how these may be applied in the context of the particular specialisation.

    D5: Awareness that engineering activities should promote sustainable development and ability to apply quantitative techniques where appropriate.

    D6: Awareness of relevant regulatory requirements governing engineering activities in the context of the particular specialisation.

    D7: Awareness of and ability to make general evaluations of risk issues in the context of the particular specialisation, including health and safety, environmental and commercial risk.

    D8: Understanding of different roles within an engineering team and the ability to exercise initiative and personal responsibility, which may be as a team member or leader.

    D9: Communicate their work to technical and non-technical audiences.

    Learning methods

    Students learn key skills in research, problem solving, communication and team project work in projects, the Professional Practice and Research Methodology module and the individual dissertation.

    Assessment methods

    Assessment of the key skills is intrinsic to subject based assessment.
    The assessment of project work includes specific allocations of credit for project management and the quality of presentations.
    An individual's contribution to team projects is determined by means of a submission containing reflective and self-assessment components.
    The assessment of the dissertation report includes specific allocation of credit for the quality, extent and relevance of a bibliography, including internet sources.


    The University makes every effort to ensure that this information on its programme specification is accurate and up-to-date. Exceptionally it can be necessary to make changes, for example to courses, facilities or fees. Examples of such reasons might include a change of law or regulatory requirements, industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, change in government policy, or withdrawal/reduction of funding. Changes to courses may for example consist of variations to the content and method of delivery of programmes, courses and other services, to discontinue programmes, courses and other services and to merge or combine programmes or courses. The University will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum, and will also keep students informed appropriately by updating our programme specifications.

    The full Procedures, Rules and Regulations of the University governing how it operates are set out in the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances and in the University Regulations, Policy and Procedures.


    If you are thinking of studying at Essex and have questions about the course, please contact Undergraduate Admissions by emailing, or Postgraduate Admissions by emailing

    If you're a current student and have questions about your course or specific modules, please contact your department.

    If you think there might be an error on this page, please contact the Course Records Team by emailing