This module will be delivered via:
- One 1-hour lecture per week.
- One 2-hour seminar per fortnight
Lectures will provide coverage of relevant ideas, theories, concepts/frameworks, and examples.
Starting in week 17 or week 18, will complement lectures with up to 50 students per seminar. These will take place from week 17 to week 24, and during those weeks where there are no fortnightly BE402 seminars. During seminars, students will be tasked with group activities to put lecture content into practice.
Guided Reading
Lecturers will provide readings from the marketing literature, which discuss concepts and theories in greater depth and apply these to business contexts. The lecturers will also provide questions to help students approach these materials. The concepts and theories which are introduced in lectures and discussed in the guided reading will be examined through a Multiple-Choice Question assessment.
Moodle and MyMarketingLab
Moodle is the University's online learning platform for all modules at the Business School. Lectures, notices, links to wider support and supplementary reading can be found there. Additionally, this module will use the MyMarketingLab platform, which sits within Moodle to offer remote access to the core textbook and enhanced online interactivity via custom-built exercises, tasks and assessments.