This module gives second year Drama students the opportunity to explore a diverse range of key plays which stage debates about gender and identity. We examine these plays for their innovative use of theatrical form to question gender roles or further debates about matters of identity. We connect and apply critical theories to ‘read’ and interpret these works, exploring them through practical drama workshops. Students are then asked to respond creatively to the texts on the module by creating their own original performance about gender and/or identity, making use of one or more of the formal approaches or texts we have explored in the module. Final performances are staged in the Lakeside Theatre or Studio, and students write reflectively on their performance and the process that created it.
The syllabus covers the 19th to the 21st century and offers varied and diverse texts that have all in some way moved forward theatrical modes of representing gender and identity. Weekly workshops focused on each text explore how very different theatrical forms tackle the subject of gender/identity in different ways: from the realist, well-made play, through post-war kitchen-sink drama, absurdism, poetic choreopoems, the monologue or one-person show, and multi-media ‘performance’ using visual and digital elements. Theorists and critics covered in this module include bell hooks, Rebecca Walker, Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, Mary Wollstonecraft, Laura Mulvey, Michelene Wandor, Elaine Aston and Jill Dolan.