Professional Skills 2

The details
Sport, Rehabilitation and Exercise Sciences (School of)
Kaplan Singapore
Full Year
Undergraduate: Level 5
Thursday 02 October 2025
Friday 26 June 2026
10 July 2024


Requisites for this module



Key module for


Module description

This module is part of the continuing programme of skills-focused modules that provides you with the opportunity to develop some of the skills you need as a sport and exercise practitioner and ensure you can compete successfully in the job market. You will be encouraged to undertake sport science/coaching specific work experience and to reflect on your experience. You will produce a portfolio of skills allowing you to evaluate the skills you have gained during any work experience, your degree and activities outside of your course (e.g. voluntary work, sporting activities etc.).

In the Summer School a number of options will be available which develop your skills as a sport and exercise practitioner. These include on-field first aid management, coaching, and applied sports science. In the research methods and data analysis part of the module you will practice and extend your skills in processing, evaluating, and analysing research and data. Finally, this module will provide you with a structured opportunity to think about your future and about how the skills you have developed through work opportunities (including volunteering), academic, sporting and social experiences of your university life are contributing towards and transferable to your career development. It will also enable you to develop a career action plan to support you in fulfilling your hopes and potential.

Module aims

The aim of this module is:

  • To provide a spine of activities that enables the development of skills specific to sport science and coaching, while also encompassing a range of key transferable skills that are useful in graduate employment.

Module learning outcomes

By the end of this module, students will be expected to be able to:

  1. Participate in a research project to prepare you for your third year research dissertation.

  2. Apply a variety of standard statistical methodologies to the evaluation and analysis of typical data in the sport and exercise sciences.

  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the meaning of data presented in a variety of formats.

  4. Demonstrate an understanding of the job application process and preparation of curriculum vitae's and accompanying documents.

  5. Develop a written strategy to optimise your employability.

  6. Update your personal development and skills e-portfolio.

  7. Reflect upon the learning experiences of life at University and plan your development for the future.

Module information

Indicative Syllabus:

  • Part A: Sports Science Summer School comprising:Part A: Sports Science Summer School comprising:

    • MCQ theory exam and practical assessment component 

  • Part B: Employabilitycomprising:

    • Portfolio which consists of covering letter (max. 750 words),updated curriculum vitae and skills portfolio. * WBE  10 minute presentation  (8 minute presentation with 2minutes of questions) during your group tutorial sessions in week 22 and 23

  • Formative:

    • Feedback from work based learning employer

    • Feedback from research log 

  • Part C: Research Skills and Data Analysis comprising:

    • Statistics worksheet  to assess your understanding of research methods and data analysis.This will be provided during the final statistics workshop.

  • Part D: Research Experience compromising:

    • Research log (i.e., record of engaging in current research projects) and max. 500 word reflective statement of the research you were involved with.

Learning and teaching methods

Practicals, seminars, workshops, conference, directed learning


This module does not appear to have any essential texts. To see non - essential items, please refer to the module's reading list.

Assessment items, weightings and deadlines

Coursework / exam Description Deadline Coursework weighting

Exam format definitions

  • Remote, open book: Your exam will take place remotely via an online learning platform. You may refer to any physical or electronic materials during the exam.
  • In-person, open book: Your exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may refer to any physical materials such as paper study notes or a textbook during the exam. Electronic devices may not be used in the exam.
  • In-person, open book (restricted): The exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may refer only to specific physical materials such as a named textbook during the exam. Permitted materials will be specified by your department. Electronic devices may not be used in the exam.
  • In-person, closed book: The exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may not refer to any physical materials or electronic devices during the exam. There may be times when a paper dictionary, for example, may be permitted in an otherwise closed book exam. Any exceptions will be specified by your department.

Your department will provide further guidance before your exams.

Overall assessment

Coursework Exam
100% 0%


Coursework Exam
100% 0%
Module supervisor and teaching staff
Dr Bernard Liew, email:
Dr Bernard Liew and Mr Nigel Collins
School Undergraduate Office, email: sres (Non essex users should add to create the full email address)



External examiner

No external examiner information available for this module.
Available via Moodle
No lecture recording information available for this module.


Further information

Disclaimer: The University makes every effort to ensure that this information on its Module Directory is accurate and up-to-date. Exceptionally it can be necessary to make changes, for example to programmes, modules, facilities or fees. Examples of such reasons might include a change of law or regulatory requirements, industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, change in government policy, or withdrawal/reduction of funding. Changes to modules may for example consist of variations to the content and method of delivery or assessment of modules and other services, to discontinue modules and other services and to merge or combine modules. The University will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum, and will also keep students informed appropriately by updating our programme specifications and module directory.

The full Procedures, Rules and Regulations of the University governing how it operates are set out in the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances and in the University Regulations, Policy and Procedures.