This module, the joint honours equivalent of LT131 Practical Journalism but without compulsory work experience, introduces you to the basics of news and of storytelling, core skills for all jobs in journalism. You’ll discuss the nature of news and how to identify a story. You’ll learn how to look for and uncover the information that will make a story; and study the different ways in which that information can be presented.
You will develop skills in absorbing a lot of information quickly, reducing it to its essentials, and producing an accurate and engaging narrative, often against a deadline. You will understand the overriding importance of accuracy in reporting, and the need to check and verify everything that you write. You will learn about elements of style and presentation, the importance of choosing the right word, how to develop your own writing persona and how to edit the work of others.
You will learn the basics of multimedia production, create your own website and start producing content for a variety of online, radio and television outlets – the latter including the use of mobile journalism techniques. You will be introduced to digital video editing tools. Your practical reporting assignments will be given to you from an early stage.
In addition, through the contemporary history series of lectures, you’ll learn about how events of recent years provide perspective and context to today’s news stories. Work experience is not compulsory for this module but is encouraged.