Occupational performance and process

The details
Health and Social Care (School of)
Colchester Campus
Postgraduate: Level 7
Monday 06 January 2025
Friday 04 April 2025
21 October 2024


Requisites for this module



Key module for

MSC B93024 Occupational Therapy (Pre-Registration)

Module description

This module focuses on the performance of occupation, investigating how the occupational therapy process is adapted in response to professional reasoning about the experiences of people using health and social care services.

Module aims

This module will develop your thinking to a more advanced level, by focusing on the performance of occupation through micro-analysis, activity analysis and developmental theories. You will learn about relevant body structures and functions, and how these are affected by health problems such as stroke, psychosis, cerebral palsy and dementia. You will investigate how the occupational therapy process is adapted in response to different modes of reasoning, based on a critical appraisal of the experience of health and social care service users.

Module learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, the [learner] will be able to:

1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding of factors contributing to occupational performance from physical/motor, sensory perceptual and psychosocial/psychological perspectives
2. Critically evaluate the complexity of everyday activities/occupations and the demands they place on people to justify areas of importance for individual service users.
3. Critically investigate how various occupational/activity analyses can be applied to professional practice

Module information

Occupational analysis is a core skill within occupational therapy and fundamentally important for understanding service users' current abilities and future needs. A deep understanding of body structures and functions is required to conduct valuable occupational analysis. This module will build on your basic knowledge of body systems and their functions from Foundations for Occupational Therapy (HS892), to enable you to apply your knowledge to the analysis of activities and occupations relevant to life stages and health problems such as stroke, psychosis, cerebral palsy and dementia. Professional reasoning will be introduced as a structure for justifying the selection of interventions informed by the analyses conducted.

Learning and teaching methods

Overview: The module will combine a range of different teaching approaches, including, lectures, enquiry-based learning, tutorials, group-work, practical activities, work books, online discussion forums and self-directed study. Lectures: Key-note lectures will be online and on campus, including practising Occupational Therapist, service users and carers. Experiential workshops will be used for the analysis of occupational and critical investigation of different modes of reasoning. Enquiry based learning will be used to evaluate cases and analyse occupations relevant to the life stage and various health conditions. Independent: Small groups of students will work on a series of cases to critically analyse occupations relevant to the cases. Placement: N/A for this module. Online: Discussion forums are available on the Moodle website to be accessed by students regarding the module and its content. Students will also be required to utilise online resources to support their understanding of occupations and analyses in relation to the cases provided within the module. Tutorials: One mandatory group tutorial is offered for students to discuss the module and the assignment. Skills: Analysis of activities using task analysis, demand analysis and movement analysis.


The above list is indicative of the essential reading for the course.
The library makes provision for all reading list items, with digital provision where possible, and these resources are shared between students.
Further reading can be obtained from this module's reading list.

Assessment items, weightings and deadlines

Coursework / exam Description Deadline Coursework weighting
Coursework   Occupational analysis report and active analysis - 1500 words   18/03/2025   

Additional coursework information

Formative: A tutor-led small group formative will be facilitated at approximately week 21 to which students will be encouraged to bring a draft occupational profile, a section of activity analysis and specific questions they may have in relation to the assignment for discussion.

The occupational analysis report should include two components:

  • Section A: Develop and submit an occupational profile and task analysis relating to someone you know (This can be an anonymised case study from placement but should not be a student at this university). This should be no more than 1500 words and will form the basis for section B.
    This section should be submitted via FASer 3 days before the presentation.
  • Section B: (12 minute presentation with 3 minutes for questions/discussion): Based on the occupational profile submitted, select, justify and examine relevant contextual factors and performance patterns impacting on the person’s occupational performance and engagement. Evaluate relevant literature relating to the above to draw conclusions for occupational therapy practice.

Exam format definitions

  • Remote, open book: Your exam will take place remotely via an online learning platform. You may refer to any physical or electronic materials during the exam.
  • In-person, open book: Your exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may refer to any physical materials such as paper study notes or a textbook during the exam. Electronic devices may not be used in the exam.
  • In-person, open book (restricted): The exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may refer only to specific physical materials such as a named textbook during the exam. Permitted materials will be specified by your department. Electronic devices may not be used in the exam.
  • In-person, closed book: The exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may not refer to any physical materials or electronic devices during the exam. There may be times when a paper dictionary, for example, may be permitted in an otherwise closed book exam. Any exceptions will be specified by your department.

Your department will provide further guidance before your exams.

Overall assessment

Coursework Exam
100% 0%


Coursework Exam
100% 0%
Module supervisor and teaching staff
Ms Susan Collins, email: smvcol@essex.ac.uk.
Dr Matumo Ramafikeng, email: m.ramafikeng@essex.ac.uk.
Occupational therapy teaching team



External examiner

Dr Sunny Chan
UWE Bristol
Senior Lecturer
Available via Moodle
Of 232 hours, 193 (83.2%) hours available to students:
27 hours not recorded due to service coverage or fault;
12 hours not recorded due to opt-out by lecturer(s), module, or event type.


Further information

Disclaimer: The University makes every effort to ensure that this information on its Module Directory is accurate and up-to-date. Exceptionally it can be necessary to make changes, for example to programmes, modules, facilities or fees. Examples of such reasons might include a change of law or regulatory requirements, industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, change in government policy, or withdrawal/reduction of funding. Changes to modules may for example consist of variations to the content and method of delivery or assessment of modules and other services, to discontinue modules and other services and to merge or combine modules. The University will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum, and will also keep students informed appropriately by updating our programme specifications and module directory.

The full Procedures, Rules and Regulations of the University governing how it operates are set out in the Charter, Statutes and Ordinances and in the University Regulations, Policy and Procedures.