Media and Theatre Production Skills

The details
East 15 Acting School
Southend Campus
Undergraduate: Level 5
Thursday 03 October 2024
Friday 13 December 2024
13 January 2025


Requisites for this module



Key module for

BA W495 World Performance

Module description

This core module for BA World Performance introduces hands-on skills in camera use and editing as well as writing for the camera. In addition, students will receive an introduction to stage management and production skills and an introduction to the basic principles of lighting for performances. Students learn in workshop and studio settings. The module emphasises an understanding of the technical processes underlying the students' own practical work.

Module aims

The aims of the module are:

  • To introduce students to the essential skills of camera use, digital editing, writing for the screen and to the role of director.

  • To gain skills in documentary and narrative filming of World Performance theatre forms.

  • To enable students to create and shoot a short script.

  • To allow students to develop their knowledge and understanding of camera use and performance for the camera.

  • To introduce students to stage management and production skills for the theatre.

  • To introduce basic principles of stage lighting for performance.

  • To enable students to critically analyse technical aspects of a theatrical performance.

Module learning outcomes

By the end of this module, students will be expected to be able to demonstrate:

  1. Knowledge and understanding of the different roles necessary to execute a simple film project.

  2. Ability to use basic camera equipment safely and effectively.

  3. Knowledge of, and basic facility with, one digital editing package.

  4. Competence in the creation of a short screenplay.

  5. Understanding of the processes of stage management.

  6. Fundamental production skills for theatrical lighting for performances.

Module information

The module will include the development and production of a short film (3-5 minutes long) from conception, to final completion of script, shooting of the script and post-production (editing) of the film for final screening. It will also include workshops in stage management and lighting, leading to a technical analysis of a theatrical production.

Learning and teaching methods

The module will be delivered via:

  1. Workshops
  2. Seminars


The above list is indicative of the essential reading for the course.
The library makes provision for all reading list items, with digital provision where possible, and these resources are shared between students.
Further reading can be obtained from this module's reading list.

Assessment items, weightings and deadlines

Coursework / exam Description Deadline Coursework weighting
Coursework   Written Script for Screen    20% 
Coursework   Critical Theatre Review   29/11/2024  40% 
Practical   Short Video Presentation    40% 

Exam format definitions

  • Remote, open book: Your exam will take place remotely via an online learning platform. You may refer to any physical or electronic materials during the exam.
  • In-person, open book: Your exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may refer to any physical materials such as paper study notes or a textbook during the exam. Electronic devices may not be used in the exam.
  • In-person, open book (restricted): The exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may refer only to specific physical materials such as a named textbook during the exam. Permitted materials will be specified by your department. Electronic devices may not be used in the exam.
  • In-person, closed book: The exam will take place on campus under invigilation. You may not refer to any physical materials or electronic devices during the exam. There may be times when a paper dictionary, for example, may be permitted in an otherwise closed book exam. Any exceptions will be specified by your department.

Your department will provide further guidance before your exams.

Overall assessment

Coursework Exam
100% 0%


Coursework Exam
100% 0%
Module supervisor and teaching staff
Dr Jeungsook Yoo, email: jyoo@essex.ac.uk.
Nick Logue, Stephen Owens
For further information please contact jyoo@essex.ac.uk



External examiner

Dr Almiro Andrade
Available via Moodle
No lecture recording information available for this module.


Further information
East 15 Acting School

Disclaimer: The University makes every effort to ensure that this information on its Module Directory is accurate and up-to-date. Exceptionally it can be necessary to make changes, for example to programmes, modules, facilities or fees. Examples of such reasons might include a change of law or regulatory requirements, industrial action, lack of demand, departure of key personnel, change in government policy, or withdrawal/reduction of funding. Changes to modules may for example consist of variations to the content and method of delivery or assessment of modules and other services, to discontinue modules and other services and to merge or combine modules. The University will endeavour to keep such changes to a minimum, and will also keep students informed appropriately by updating our programme specifications and module directory.

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