Term One – History of Fights on Film
In this unit you will study the history of combat in theatre and film. As you view and document performances from the past century, you will continue to develop your research skills. These skills will be combined with your growing knowledge of stage combat, as you will also be asked to analyse choreographic logic, film techniques, commitment to character, text and movement, and an actor’s ability to ‘sell a fight’. The unit will develop alternative research methods, as you will be called upon to resource films, film scripts, interviews and, when possible, notes from a director and/or a fight director
Term Two and Three – 20th Century Performance
This course will introduce you to some of the major theories and practitioners of the 20th century. It is designed to take you past the theories of Stanislavski and explore other contemporary forms of theatre and staging. The guiding aims are to widen your knowledge of a range of theatre styles and further develop your analytical skills. By studying various theatrical movements, you will be more prepared to analyse any number of forms of contemporary performances. This will involve creative thinking, decision-making and clearly expressing self-formulated views. You will come away from the ability to apply a wide range of theories to performance practices.