BSC G610 Computer Games,
BSC G610KS Computer Games,
BSC G612 Computer Games (Including Year Abroad),
BSC G620 Computer Games (Including Foundation Year),
BSC I610 Computer Games (Including Placement Year),
BENGG420 Computer Networks,
BENGG421 Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad),
BENGI120 Computer Networks (Including Placement Year),
BSC G400 Computer Science,
BSC G400KJ Computer Science,
BSC G400KS Computer Science,
BSC G401 Computer Science (Including Year Abroad),
BSC G403 Computer Science (Including Foundation Year),
BSC I101 Computer Science (Including Placement Year),
MSCIG402 Computer Science,
MSCII100 Computer Science (Integrated Masters, Including Placement Year),
BENGH650 Computer Systems Engineering,
BENGH651 Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad),
BENGH750 Computer Systems Engineering (Including Foundation Year),
BENGHP50 Computer Systems Engineering (Including Placement Year),
BENGGH4P Computers with Electronics,
BENGGH4Q Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad),
BENGI1H6 Computers with Electronics (Including Placement Year),
BENGH610 Electronic Engineering,
BENGH611 Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad),
BENGH61P Electronic Engineering (Including Foundation Year),
BENGHP10 Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year),
MENGH613 Electronic Engineering,
MENGH614 Electronic Engineering (Integrated Masters, Including Placement Year),
BSC H60E Electronic System Engineering,
BSC H60ECO Electronic System Engineering,
BSC H60ETW Electronic System Engineering,
BENGH641 Communications Engineering,
BENGHP41 Communications Engineering (Including Foundation Year),
BENGHPK1 Communications Engineering (Including Placement Year),
BENGHQ41 Communications Engineering (Including Year Abroad),
BENGH615 Robotic Engineering,
BENGH616 Robotic Engineering (Including Year Abroad),
BENGH617 Robotic Engineering (Including Placement Year),
BENGH618 Robotic Engineering (Including Foundation Year),
BSC G111 Computing,
BSC G112 Computing (Including Year Abroad),
BSC G113 Computing (Including Placement Year),
BSC GH01 Computing and Electronics,
BSC GH02 Computing and Electronics (Including Year Abroad),
BSC GH03 Computing and Electronics (Including Placement Year),
BSC GH3P Computing and Electronics (Including Foundation Year),
BSC H631 Electronics,
BSC H632 Electronics (Including Year Abroad),
BSC H633 Electronics (Including Placement Year),
BENGH730 Mechatronic Systems,
BENGH731 Mechatronic Systems (Including Year Abroad),
BENGH732 Mechatronic Systems (Including Placement Year),
BENGH733 Mechatronic Systems (Including Foundation Year),
BENGH169 Neural Engineering with Psychology,
BENGH170 Neural Engineering with Psychology (including Placement Year),
BENGH171 Neural Engineering with Psychology (including Year Abroad),
BENGH172 Neural Engineering with Psychology (Including Foundation Year),
BSC H737 Mechatronics,
BSC H738 Mechatronics (including Placement Year),
BSC H739 Mechatronics (including Year Abroad),
BSC H167 Neural Technology with Psychology,
BSC H168 Neural Technology with Psychology (including Year Abroad),
BSC H176 Neural Technology with Psychology (including Placement Year),
BSC H717 Robotics,
BSC H718 Robotics (including Placement Year),
BSC H719 Robotics (including Year Abroad),
BSC I400 Artificial Intelligence,
BSC I401 Artificial Intelligence (Including Foundation Year),
BSC I402 Artificial Intelligence (including Placement Year),
BSC I403 Artificial Intelligence (including Year Abroad)
On completion of the module students will be able to;
1. Apply an appropriate design methodology to achieve a product defined by a specification.
2. Use Gantt charts and time management techniques to plan and manage a project over a period of six months or more.
3. Locate and read references and produce summaries and critical analysis of them. Be aware of peer review as a means of the quality assurance of written work.
4. Record plans, ideas, results, and reflections in a log book as defined in the project guidebook.
5. Work as an individual to specify, design, construct and test a system to meet a project requirement.
6. Demonstrate oral and written communication skills through the writing of the initial and final report, through the midpoint second assessor oral examination, through the preparation and presentation of a poster at the Project Open Day, and by providing a working demonstration of the project product at the Presentation, Demonstration, and Oral Examination (PDO).
7. Present and discuss ideas informally with academic supervisors.
8. Plan an employability strategy in light of current knowledge regarding graduate employment.
9. Define and discuss the role of an engineer in society particularly related to professional ethics.
10. Plan and report on the aspects of risk within their specific project.
11. Explain the meaning of Intellectual Property and ways in which IP can be protected.