This module will be delivered via:
- One 2-hour integrated session per week.
Lectures consist of an introduction to and an overview of the subject. You should not expect the lecture to cover all of the relevant material. To complete this module successfully you will need to complete the additional reading each week. It is best to think of the lectures as providing a map of a particular concept or topic.
To give you a bigger picture in the lectures, we cannot provide detail on all of the sub-topics. It is your job as the student to fill in these details by reading from the textbook, the recommended readings, and from your own literature searches in the library and using scholarly search engines. If you are unsure how to search for literature and information or are not completely sure what are acceptable sources of reliable knowledge, please ask your class tutors or lecturers. Corporate websites, Wikipedia and lecture notes from other on-line sources are not enough to pass this module. You should also avoid using multiple textbook sources.
Please arrive on time – (to allow time to vacate the room), so will begin promptly. We will invite various external speakers throughout the term so please make sure your behaviour is courteous and professional at all times during lectures.
Independent Study
Reading journal articles and recommended textbook chapters.
In order to pass this module, students must engage with the material on Moodle and any materials that are emailed to you or provided in the lectures or the seminars. You must also undertake your own research into the topics introduced within the module.This is a full-time module and you should expect to spend at least 10 hours a week studying for it if you hope to pass successfully. This means at least eight hours of reading and study each week, in addition to the two hours of teaching.