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Attend your departmental induction
Department inductions take place throughout the week. You'll be invited to your induction via the Welcome Portal on Moodle. But, details can be found on the event web pages too.
Students' Union events
The best fun on campus is with the Students' Union. There's a whole host of events and activities taking place throughout the week. Whether you are living on campus or commuting, be sure to get these dates in your diary.
Freshers' fair - Friday 4 October
The highlight of every Welcome and Orientation on our Colchester Campus is the Students' Union Freshers' Fair. An exciting event that marks the beginning of the academic year and serves as your chance to make new friends, join societies and really get to know the campus.
Have the best of nights
Campus comes alive at night, whether you are hitting the on-campus club "Sub-Zero" or hanging out with friends across the campus (or even the town). You'll be sure to have the best night ever.
Make friends for life
With activities and events on campus everyday, this is your chance to get to know Essex, get to know your future class mates, your community, and very likely your friends for life.
Prepare for your classes
As the fun subsides at the end of the week, now is the time to start preparing for your studies. By now you should have your timetable, know where the library is, and be set to smash your first real week of studies.